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Home - Emoclear Self-Helpapedia. Wave of Emotions. Emotions Are A Resource, Not A Crutch. Ever since Darwin, and perhaps long before him, it has been theorized that our emotions play a crucial role in adapting to our environment.

Emotions Are A Resource, Not A Crutch

This means that emotions are not just an inconvenient byproduct of consciousness, but a form of higher cognition – an ability for living beings to experience their world in deeper and more complex ways. Humans are a species that thrive on social relations, and our emotions become a gauge on morality and justice. They help facilitate our interactions by giving us clues on how to connect with others in meaningful and productive ways. When someone makes us feel bad our emotions tell us to ignore them, while when someone makes us feel good our emotions tell us to appreciate them. Emotions however come in many different qualities, degrees, and intensities. Perhaps more important than how researchers conceptualize different emotions is how we experience them. Sources [1] LAROS, F., & STEENKAMP, J. (2005) . [2] McNAIR, D. Emotions Are A Resource, Not A Crutch. Reading Eyes. Interesting Info -> Body Language -> Reading Eyes Body Language of the Human Eye guest author: Ariel Lehrer Is it possible to read someone's thoughts by gazing into their eyes?

Reading Eyes

What body language cues can we gather just from observing eye movement? If only you would have known that the funny little emoticons you were drawing when you were a kid would become the big business they are today. That's because the ability to read a person's intentions based on eye movement develops at about the age of four. Right Brained or Left? The direction of a person's gaze alone reveals a whole world of what is going on behind the forehead. Lying Eyes The story changes a little when you are not trying to assess the person's thought patterns but posing a question directly to them. Be careful with these cues. The Eyes Link to the Senses The gaze of a person's eyes can also tell you whether they are in a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic mode of thinking. In the auditory mode, thoughts are described as sounds.

Transforming Negative Thoughts & Creating the Life You Desire. “If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”

Transforming Negative Thoughts & Creating the Life You Desire

-Lao Tzu In my quest for personal development, I’ve done a ton of processing, meditating, reading, praying, exercising, eating well, and helping other people. All of these things are amazing, and I still do them regularly, but none of it matters if I don’t guard my thoughts as though my life depends on it. The quality of my life literally depends on my thoughts. I never thought of myself as a negative person, and most people who know me will tell you I’m a bubbly, outgoing, super positive individual. This is definitely the version of me that shows up in the outside world, and this is absolutely who I want to be.

One thing that’s been really difficult for me is recognizing when I’m thinking negative thoughts. I’ve decided that most of the time, it really doesn’t matter what these subconscious patterns are. It can be really easy to disempower ourselves if we have a belief system that’s set up that way. 1. 2. 3.