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Managing Depression While Aging. Depression happens to people at whatever age but for seniors, it is quite challenging to deal with.

Managing Depression While Aging

Aging adults can readily feel a loss of interest in the activities they used to do and enjoy. Death Is a Stranger: Things We Assume About Dying. Many of us are strangers to death—it may even be more truthful to say that all of us are.

Death Is a Stranger: Things We Assume About Dying

However, every time we are faced with it, we compare it to previous situations or past experiences, expecting that the outcome will be the same. We take what we know from media, movies, or books, and apply expectations. The following things we are about to share are lessons that we here at have learned from years of serving as a trusted provider of hospice care in Simi Valley, California, and from our clients and their families. Assumption No. 1: If you have seen death before, you know exactly how it happens. Nobody knows exactly what happens to a person when they die or when they are dying. Losing a loved one is hard, and you will feel different amounts of sadness at different times in the grieving process.

Let us help you during this challenging time in your life with respite care in California. Why Hospice Care Helps Patients Live Longer. Despite hospice care being available in the U.S. for nearly 50 years, there are still a lot of societal misconceptions regarding it.

Why Hospice Care Helps Patients Live Longer

One of these wrong notions about hospice care is the belief that hospice “precipitates death.” However, on the contrary, studies have shown that patients who are enrolled in hospice tend to live a satisfied life, where their needs are met and supported as they go through difficult time. By seeking assistance from the right Hospice Care in Simi Valley, California, patients are guaranteed the following benefits: The patient’s comfort is always a priority. Every hospice team’s mission is to manage their patient’s symptoms so that they can live a comfortable life as much as possible.Patients receive care at home where they may be more comfortable. Things You Can Do to Help Your Loved Ones Cope with a Terminal Illness. What can you tell your loved one when they are diagnosed with a terminal illness?

Things You Can Do to Help Your Loved Ones Cope with a Terminal Illness

How can you show them your support? What can you do to make the situation a little more bearable? You may have asked yourself these questions when thinking about how to comfort your terminally ill loved one. While it is challenging, just remember one thing—they are still the same person you know and love. The Five Stages of Grief. Losing a loved one is the most painful experience one could ever have.

The Five Stages of Grief

Even if you did have time to prepare yourself for the loss, you still feel insurmountable grief. Things to Consider Before Signing Up for Hospice Care. How Palliative Care Treat Pancreatic Cancer. Pancreatic cancer is a devastating condition for both the patients and their families.

How Palliative Care Treat Pancreatic Cancer

It brings with it a heavy burden of pain that can derail bodily functions, and carry with it a shroud of worry that can leave family members feeling depressed and helpless. The risks for pancreatic cancer include gender, old age, obesity, smoking, diabetes, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, inherited genes, and a genetic disorder. Hospice Care in Simi Valley, California can help patients by offering specialized medical care focused on managing pain and psychological symptoms.

The goal is to help improve the quality of life for patients and their families. Coping with Grief During the Holidays. Often, one of the most difficult times to live with the loss of a loved one is during the holidays.

Coping with Grief During the Holidays

Through late fall and at the start of winter, every day can get filled with various memories and emotions. It can get confusing, seeing everyone moving about, decking the halls with colorful boughs of holly, but you are grief-stricken and don’t have the energy to expend to get out of bed and face the day. Grief counseling professionals from encourage clients who are grieving a loss of a loved one to acknowledge what we are truly feeling, which is that we miss them and it hurts to spend the holidays without them. Think about how you would like to honor and remember your loved one during this special time of the year. Journaling Therapy at the End of Life. A critical medical diagnosis can be emotionally devastating, whether it’s for the person experiencing the illness or the loved one who is caring for them.

Journaling Therapy at the End of Life

Administrators of grief counseling suggest writing as a form of therapy for people going through this situation. Journaling is one way for a person to explore his feelings and express himself without having to censor his thoughts. If you or your loved one have never tried keeping a journal, the hardest part is just getting started. Most people begin journaling by talking about their daily activities. They may also write about the things that made them happy or the worries that they experienced throughout the day.

While experts of respite care in California suggest writing in the morning, the most important thing to capture when you’re using writing as a form of therapy is to figure out a regular time to sit quietly without interruption and stick to this established schedule. Cannabis in Palliative Care. With the legalization of recreational cannabis in a number of states, some people may experiment to determine whether it might help with their symptoms.

Cannabis in Palliative Care

Cannabis has numerous effects on humans. Recently, studies support the use of medical cannabis to help people manage the following conditions: pain, nausea, anxiety, and insomnia.