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INNOVATION IN CS/IT VIA OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. "As costs around the world continue to rise for education, institutions must become innovative in the ways they teach and grow students.


To do this effectively professors and administrative staff should push toward the utilization of Open... more "As costs around the world continue to rise for education, institutions must become innovative in the ways they teach and grow students. To do this effectively professors and administrative staff should push toward the utilization of Open Software (OSS) and virtual tools to enhance or supplement currently available tools.

In developing countries OSS applications would allow students the ability to learn critical technological skills for success at small fraction of the cost. OSS also provides faculty members the ability to dissect source code and prepare students for low level software development. Download (.pdf) Share Loading Preview. FLOSS Manuals Adds Workbooks to its Mix of Free Tutorials. By Sam Dean - May. 24, 2012Comments (0) Regularly, we at OStatic compile documentation and guidance resources for popular open source platforms and applications.

FLOSS Manuals Adds Workbooks to its Mix of Free Tutorials

For example, you can find our latest collection of free, online books on open source tools here, including guides that can get you started with Blender, Audacity and more. It's worth remembering that one of the most common critcisms of open source platforms and applications is the lack of official documentation. One of the best ongoing projects for producing free open source-related documentation is FLOSS Manuals. Now, the site has added an interesting new type of guide to its mix: workbooks. FLOSS Manuals provides free online guides to many open source applications, including this one on Mozilla's powerful Thunderbird email client. Similarly, FLOSS Manuals offers a new workbook for the slick audio editing and management platform Audacity.

You can also find a complete guide to basic Internet security at FLOSS Manuals. 50 Places Linux is Running That You Might Not Expect. ¿Cómo poner licencia CC a sus creaciones? Me pregunta Anita cómo puede ponerle una licencia de Creative Commons a sus creaciones.

¿Cómo poner licencia CC a sus creaciones?

Parte de esa explicación está en la II parte de: La Dictadura del “Todos los Derechos Reservados” pero retomo esa sección: Recordemos que en general -a menos que indiquemos lo contrario por medio de una licencia específica- estaremos reservando todos los derechos automáticamente al crear la obra. Sin embargo, dentro del mismo marco legal es posible reservar únicamente algunos derechos, no todos. En ninguno de los casos se renuncia a la atribución, pues siempre deben mencionarse todos los nombres de las personas involucradas como autoras de la obra.Por ejemplo, cuando yo publico una poesía debo tomar algunas decisiones:¿Permito que se comparta esa poesía?

(que se coloque en un blog, en un muro en Facebook, que se fotocopie el libro). ¿Cómo elegir la licencia? Entonces lo que hay que hacer es ir al sitio de Creative Commons y responder algunas preguntas: ¿Quiere permitir usos comerciales de su obra? WTFPL - Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License. The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

This directory gives you access to almost all of the contents of my evolving book, The Cathedral and the Bazaar. Enjoy — but be aware that I have sold O'Reilly the exclusive commercial printing rights. The papers composing this book (like their topic) are still evolving as I get more feedback. I made extensive revisions and additions for the first edition of the book The Cathedral and the Bazaar, and expect to continue adding and revising in future editions. Even if you've heard me do the stand-up version, you may want to reread it. These papers are not `finished', and may never be.

If you like these papers, you will probably also enjoy my How To Become A Hacker FAQ (also in the book). Here's the XHTML. My thumbnail sketch of the history of the hacker culture, maintained since about 1992. Here's the XHTML. Translations Here's the XHTML. You can download RealAudio recordings of the stand-up version of this talk from the Kongress (about the first 30 seconds is missing). Forrest J. Creative Commons.