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How to Make your Business Thrive in Newer Markets this 2017. B2B Marketing in Malaysia: 5 Points on Enhancing Thought Leadership. Want your brand to digitally dominate the Malaysian B2B arena?

B2B Marketing in Malaysia: 5 Points on Enhancing Thought Leadership

Call it a long shot, but it will be close to a possibility once you have established yourself as a thought leader and made important strides in terms of influencing buyer decisions. Crimson Marketing CEO Glen Gow has outlined five important points to building thought leadership. 1. Authenticity Is key According to Michael Brenner, former VP of Marketing and Content Strategy at SAP, in an article for Forbes, “thought leadership is simply about becoming an authority on relevant topics by delivering the answers to the biggest questions on the minds of your target audience.” Rather than push out half-baked content that’s merely trying to give the impression that you’re an authority in your field, you need to actually acquire the necessary knowledge and provide B2B buyers with purposeful, practical advice. 2. Are you a Sales Pro or a Sales Wannabe? B2B Marketing in Malaysia: 5 Points on Enhancing Thought Leadership.

Untitled. Inspiring Quotes from Asian Entrepreneurs for Appointment Setters. Appointment setting may seem a comfy job, but very challenging.

Inspiring Quotes from Asian Entrepreneurs for Appointment Setters

A Recap of the Top Blog Posts in Callbox Malaysia in 2016. 2016 has its ups and downs, yet every turn on this roller coaster ride comes with learning from wrong decisions.

A Recap of the Top Blog Posts in Callbox Malaysia in 2016

Another year has passed. And right now, we’re facing 2017 full of hopes, new learnings and opportunities. if you’re one of those who have read, viewed, shared and learned from our blogs, thank you. And if you’re looking for informational blog post about B2B telemarketing, SEO, Lead generation, Appointment setting, etc. I’m sure you won’t mind if I take you back to last year’s top blogs. Here are our Top 5 Most Viewed and Most Shared Blogs for 2016. Stop Objections!!! Double Your IT Sales Leads with These 3 Tips. What is an objection?

Stop Objections!!! Double Your IT Sales Leads with These 3 Tips

An objection is an expression, statement, question or a feeling of opposition or unwillingness of a prospect to buy what you’re offering. So you now have a good product waiting to help your customer’s needs. However, your sales reps have been getting too many objections from their prospects, leaving them with no leads at all. Medical Businesses: From Print Ads to Multi-Channel Marketing. I went to see a dentist a friend recommended to me last week.

Medical Businesses: From Print Ads to Multi-Channel Marketing

His clinic turned out to be at the older part of the city, a place that used to thrive commercially before malls and hotels decided to expand away from downtown. Just as I expected, the building was a little too old school for my liking — it was a throwback to the 60’s with the heavy doors, wood walls, and geometric floor designs. Imagine my surprise when a battery of high-tech dental equipment greeted me. It’s like seeing a rippled, tattoo-covered, ill-dressed guy helping an elderly woman cross the street. It just doesn’t add up at first glance. Up until maybe 15 years ago, marketing materials for health products and services were mostly printed on brochures and pamphlets. Today, marketing strategies have invaded the virtual world, making it easier to reach potential B2B clients.

But here’s the catch: the rise of these digital marketing platforms means an increase in online competitors. According to, Untitled. Untitled. Stop Objections!!! Double Your IT Sales Leads with These 3 Tips. Why Work With Those You Dislike During Lead Generation In Malaysia? That is a good question that a lot of entrepreneurs it Malaysia are asking.

Why Work With Those You Dislike During Lead Generation In Malaysia?

After all, when it comes to lead generation, would it not be more enjoyable if you work with someone that you trust? So why turn up your stress levels by working with someone you are not comfortable with? Because this is the key to successfully generate B2B leads. Believe it or not, rather than slow you down, working with someone you dislike can actually improve your sales leads production, ensuring that what you get are truly qualified business leads.

But what is the reason for this strange match-up? In the first place, working with family, friends, or people you are close to usually will not be productive nor creative. Extend your Software Company in Malaysia: Register, Market, Monetize. It’s a new year and everyone is excited for new opportunities.

Extend your Software Company in Malaysia: Register, Market, Monetize

If you’re looking to start a business in Asia, you might want to consider exploring a business investment opportunity in Malaysia. According to The Star Online, World Bank expects Malaysia’s economic will increase to 4.3% in 2017. Reaching Marketing Goals in Malaysia in the First Month of 2017. Having a good strategy begins with a goal.

Reaching Marketing Goals in Malaysia in the First Month of 2017

You know where you want to achieve and it’s easier to get there if you have a clear idea of where you want to go. As the famous cliche goes “Begin with the end of the mind”. Now, let us start by listing out our 2017 marketing goals as well as the techniques that we need to include in our marketing plan this year. Follow the tips below and hit that elusive sales targets in the first month of 2017! #1: Build brand awareness. 13 Essentials For A Successful Marketing Campaign. SMART Marketing Tips from Influencers. To become one of the best, you need to learn from one of the best.

SMART Marketing Tips from Influencers

The following people are considered the most influential, innovative and effective leaders controlling media and marketing. Medical Businesses: From Print Ads to Multi-Channel Marketing. Medical Businesses: From Print Ads to Multi-Channel Marketing. Three Unusual Lead Generation Tactics For Your Business - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia. It is rather simple, but promoting your business could be a very daunting task.

Three Unusual Lead Generation Tactics For Your Business - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia

You need to know how to do it properly, lest you waste your efforts or investments. Generating sales leads is a daily challenge for various businesses, and you need to use every tool available to succeed in lead generation. Sometimes, you might just have to employ unusual methods to do that. It might be surprising, but it can actually work. Some of these are: 13 Essentials For A Successful Marketing Campaign. The Seven Deadly Sins Of Lead Generation - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia. Starting your own business can be the most exciting chapter of your life. Finally, you can be your own boss, managing people under you, and exploring lead generation possibilities that can help improve your bottom line. It all seems rosy, right? But once you put things into practice, well, you might discover some things that can give you problems. Make a mistake, and all your efforts can unravel. Your LinkedIn Company Page Now Coughs Up Some Mighty Metrics - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia.

If your LinkedIn Company Page is more than just a brochure and you use it to actually grow your network, as you should, then this latest update from LinkedIn should bring a smile to your face, or even elicit a little dance, for those among us who are reeeally into social analytics. These new Company Page analytics are a vast improvement over LinkedIn’s previous “Page Insights” and “Follower Insights”. According to LinkedIn, the new analytics will help you: – Identify the updates that drive the greatest engagement – Filter engagement trends by type and time period – Get more detailed demographic data about your followers – See the growth of your follower base and benchmark it against similar brands The Next Web shows a few screenshots to give brand and social media managers an idea of what the tool delivers: Are you Wasting Resources on Dirty Marketing List? Are you always calling the wrong company? Accounting and Finance Software - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia.

Software lead generation in Malaysia can be challenging and much more with accounting and finance software. It requires additional expertise which Callbox can help you with. Having worked with several Accounting and Financial software firms has helped us understand the industry, allowing us to generate quality financial software leads. With the combined efforts of e-mailers, callers and a vast database of target contacts, we can get in touch with specific decision makers such as: Callbox Lead Scoring. Callbox Pipeline. The Greatest Marketing Strategy Question: Inbound or Outbound? - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia. Marketing strategies are interesting. The fact that drafting an approach is a volatile task allows for a variety of options that B2B telemarketing companies could follow. There is simply no linear formula to follow as there are two vital forms of marketing which you can pursue, inbound and outbound.

Three Lead Generation Tips to Improve Logistics Company's Sales. Distribution, transport,freight, hubbing and consolidation, orders and retailing are among the basic prime services of a logistics company. Their workflows are numbers-driven and require proper time management. In Malaysia, the logistics business comes next to manufacturing in terms of progress but both have contributed to the country’s booming economy.

Despite the challenge on prospecting, the logistics industry is thriving in the supply chain market. Is your Marketing Campaign OFF Targeted in Malaysia? Hit the bullseye! That’s the objective in playing Darts. The Reasons for a Collapsing Content Strategy in Malaysia. Do you Have these Essentials in your Digital Marketing? - Business Leads Malaysia. The worst mistake any sensible marketer with a vision for “higher ROI” would make is to use technologies without having a clear roadmap presenting a detailed illustration of the market landscape. For most, it is clearly easier to say something like “I am going to swell my database of qualified leads through modern means” than to recognize potential risks and valuable conduits.

From the perspective of a seasoned marketer, that kind of attitude leaves an organization in marketing limbo. Right now, it is technological competency that places brands in the crosshairs of interested buyers. For Andrew Moravick, “Best-in-Class CMOs” are able to drive successes because they frame their minds on key essentials. In his article for CMO Essentials, Moravick arrives at four of these. If Content Is King, Then, Conversation Is The Ace In The Deck Of Lead Generation. Today, if somebody would like to enjoy huge financial rewards from his online business especially if he has his own websites, he has to make sure that he can write tons and tons of articles to promote his website. His articles should not only have the backlinks pointing towards his site but his articles should also have interesting, well-written, significant and valuable contents that will make any reader put into the edge of his seat while reading his articles.

It can't be denied that original and interesting articles can really put one's websites on the top of the search results. His articles should also be rich with keywords variation. How to Revive a Lead Gen Campaign Gone Dormant After the Lean Season. No matter how good your business is, it will experience a slow season for one reason or another. Most businesses go through some of a dry spell – a time of year when sales drop off. It may be because of the weather, or a really bad economy, or in the case of B2B companies, a month or a season with lots of holidays. Whatever the reason, no business is exempt from this dreaded event, and certainly no businessman looks forward to the dip in revenue.

The Best Medium For Getting More Sales Leads. For many businesses, the challenge of generating more sales leads can be a life and death struggle. SOCIAL INFLUENCERS: The Powers-That-Be. Callbox DataMiner. Callbox Pipeline. Social Media Marketing - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia. Telemarketing - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia. When Less is More: How to Make Prospects Buy From You. Don’t sell to prospects who doesn’t have any intentions of purchasing. Instead, influence them! Untitled. The Savvy Marketer. Don’t know where to allocate the biggest chunk of your marketing budget next year? How about which platform will have the best odds in having maximum ROI? We brainstormed ideas, assessed the merits of each, analyzed data, and interpreted recent developments vis-à-vis previous trends before coming up with a realistic view of next year’s marketing trends.

SMART Marketing Tips from Influencers. Callbox Pipeline. How to Lure Malaysian Leads To Invest on your Business. Powered-Up & Salesforce Ready - B2B Lead Generation Company Malaysia.