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Simple Home File Server (Based On Ubuntu. Version 1.0 Author: Xam Last edited 01/20/2008 This tutorial explains how to turn an old PC with additional hard disks into a simple home file server. The file server is intended for home use. The home file server is accessible by Windows and Linux computers in the home network. The existing tutorials do not describe how to add additional disks or have a complex authorization or access procedure. Freenas ( does have too many features for home users and more important it does not support the NTFS format. This Home File Server can work with hard disks formatted in NTFS. The server is built with Ubuntu Server 7.10 & Samba. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. 1 Requirements The hard disks for data storage in the file server must be formatted in the NTFS format.

I assume that you already know how to install a hard drive. 2 Preliminary Note 3 The Base System Insert your Ubuntu install CD into your system and boot from it. PowerPCFAQ. This is the PowerPC FAQ. See also the PowerPC Known Issues page and the Official PowerPC Installation Guide (describes the text based installer). Many more general questions have answers at the Community Documentation. Please help keep this document up-to-date. Editing a wiki is easy, see this page for guidance. Which Macs are compatible with Ubuntu? All NewWorld Macs should work. What about OldWorld Macs? All Macs prior to the original iMac are known as OldWorld Macs. Is Ubuntu supported on PowerPC? Ubuntu for PowerPC is now a community supported platform (the announcement) so you can nolonger pay Canonical to support your PowerPC machine.

However, PowerPC packages (like for other architectures) are available on launchpad where you can look up the source code, build logs and bugs. Is Ubuntu still available on PowerPC? Yes, see PowerPCDownloads for downloads. I have an old computer so I should install an old version of Ubuntu, right? Wrong. How do I install a derivative? How do I burn an iso? How to install Ubuntu in a RAID 0 array - Part2 - #7. [PPC] How to turn down the mac startup chime on PPC. Installation - Mineserver Wiki. From Mineserver Wiki Installation of Mineserver is generally trouble-free, but this page should offer a little more detail for those who desire it. Right now only source distributions are available; this will change once there is a stable release. Binary Packages Currently we have binaries for Windows. Download from here: and install using installer. Source Distributions Prerequisites Mineserver requires 3 external libraries: zlib, libevent and libnoise (possibly from General Installation is generally very simple and consists of just a few steps.

Obtain source Install prerequisites Build Mineserver Edit config Obtaining the Source Code The source code for Mineserver is available from GitHub and in future as tarballs for stable revisions. Checking out the source from git is straightforward: simply clone the repository from GitHub and it's ready to be compiled. Installing prerequisites Windows Debian and Similar BSD Variants Fink. Ubuntu LAMP Server Guide – Configure Apache, mySQL, and cgi-bin. In a previous post, I shared step-by-step instructions for setting up a Ubuntu LAMP (Linux, Apache, mySQL, PHP) server on your local area network (LAN). I also showed how you could customize the server installation to include all of the niceties of Ubuntu’s Desktop GUI.

If this installation was successful, you should be able to view the default site served by Apache (actually an index of the default site) using any machine on your LAN. Type the server’s IP address (or alias if you added the server to your /etc/hosts file) in your browser’s address bar or, if you are browsing on the server itself, type or localhost. If an error occurs, then you will have to edit the apache2.conf file to ensure that Apache can fully resolve the server’s name. Out of good measure you should do this anyway, even if everything seems to be working. Use your favorite text editing program (I use vi here) and open the file. sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Add the following line somewhere: Create a FTP server with user access (proftpd) Ch15 : Linux FTP Server Setup. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used as one of the most common means of copying files between servers over the Internet. Most web based download sites use the built in FTP capabilities of web browsers and therefore most server oriented operating systems usually include an FTP server application as part of the software suite.

Linux is no exception. This chapter will show you how to convert your Linux box into an FTP server using the default Very Secure FTP Daemon (VSFTPD) package included in Fedora. FTP relies on a pair of TCP ports to get the job done. FTP Control Channel, TCP Port 21: All commands you send and the ftp server's responses to those commands will go over the control connection, but any data sent back (such as "ls" directory lists or actual file data in either direction) will go over the data connection. FTP Data Channel, TCP Port 20: This port is used for all subsequent data transfers between the client and server.

Types of FTP Take a closer look at each type. Active FTP. Linux connect though a proxy - Linux Forums. Serveur ssh sous Windows. Cet article va vous expliquer comment installer et configurer un serveur ssh sous Windows. Sommaire Introduction Choix du logiciel J'ai choisi le serveur Openssh de Cygwin, car celui de semble pas mis à jour assez souvent. Cygwin veille à maintenir ses packages à jour, ce qui est important du point de vue sécurité. OS nécessaire Windows 2000, XP ou 2003. Outils utilisés OpenSSH (par le shell et l'installeur Cygwin) Avant de commencer Si vous ne vous sentez pas d'effectuer les manipulations suivantes, vous pouvez prendre le serveur ssh Cygwin pré-packagé CopSSH: vous devez savoir que ce package risque d'interférer avec Cygwin s'il est déjà présent, et qu'il ne gère que les utilisateurs locaux.

Note importante L'installation d'un serveur ssh sous Windows reste du bricolage. Note de l'auteur (sebsauvage) Inutile de m'écrire par mail pour me demander de l'aide concernant cette installation. I - Installation de Cygwin Remarques Liens.