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Tout pour streamer: 5 sites pour regarder des films et des séries. L''irrésistible envie de te barricader chez toi sous des tonnes de couvertures en checkant des séries vient de te prendre?

Tout pour streamer: 5 sites pour regarder des films et des séries

Voici 5 excellents sites pour procrastiner efficacement: 1.) CH131Parfait pour regarder les épisodes les plus récents de tes séries préférées. Bon aussi pour les films qui viennent de sortir. 2.) 3.)DOCUMENTARY HEAVENTous les documentaires sur tout. Information Is Beautiful. Des photos macabres de femmes. L’Halloween approche à grands pas et pour vous le rappeler, voici une série de clichés un peu dérangeante.

Des photos macabres de femmes

Ils ont été pris par Miss Lakune. 21 raisons pour lesquelles certaines personnes ont tant de chance. Recevoir Notre Infolettre: Avez-vous déjà regardé quelqu'un en vous disant: «Il a tellement de chance.

21 raisons pour lesquelles certaines personnes ont tant de chance

Il a de l'argent, sa vie de couple est géniale et sa carrière est au sommet, il voyage tout le temps!» Ça m'est arrivé aussi. Et tandis que mon esprit était occupé à cette pensée, je sentais la dépression monter, obnubilé que j'étais par les raisons qui faisaient que je n'avais pas autant de succès que «ce gars-là.» Je n'avais pas autant de chance. Mais alors que j'avançais dans ma carrière et dans ma vie, et en rencontrant des gens du monde entier, d'origines sociales diverses et variées, je me suis fait la réflexion suivante: Bien sûr, on peut recevoir cette chance dès le départ.

Tandis que je réfléchissais au combat que je menais en ce moment contre l'incertitude, j'ai réalisé que même si la chance ne nous est pas donnée à la lotterie de la naissance, nous avons tous l'opportunité d'être chanceux. Voici 21 raisons pour lesquelle certaines personnes ont tant de chance dans leur vie: The 11 Differences Between Dating a Girl vs a Woman. Recently, I wrote a post on “The 11 Difference Between Dating a Boy vs a Man“.

The 11 Differences Between Dating a Girl vs a Woman

The post can have the genders swapped and most points would still apply. However, we can’t deny that there are some fundamental differences between men and women – from how we are socialized to the chemical and hormonal differences that naturally occur. Thus, I thought it appropriate to follow up with a post on the difference between dating a girl, vs a woman. Again, many points on this post would apply if you switched the genders around. A boy is attracted to girls. 10 Steps to a Meaningful Life From a Man Who's Found One. Ran Zilca is a researcher, tech entrepreneur, personal coach, teacher, and musician.

10 Steps to a Meaningful Life From a Man Who's Found One

He is the Chief Scientist at bLife Inc., a company developing scientifically-based digital well-being tools, as well as the author of Ride of Your Life — A Cost to Coast Guide to Inner Peace, a blog and book describing his 6,000-mile motorcycle journey. He is also the creator of the course “Meaningful Goal Pursuit — Go on the Ride of Your Life” (From now through October 31st, receive $50 off the course admission with code RZ50.). The views expressed herein are his. Learn more about Ran on his website, The concept of living a “meaningful life” is en vogue of late, as more and more people seek to live a life of purpose, in which each day is full of meaning, a sense of mission, and direction.

Turns out, a lot of it comes down to turning our life priorities into achievable goals that are guaranteed to make our lives better simply by pursuing them. Photo by Elisa Nobe. La roche. « Life begins at the end of your comfort zone ».

La roche

À chaque fois que je la vois, cette citation, je hoche la tête avec une petite moue d’approbation. Je trouve qu’elle fait du sens, a me parle. Elle vient souvent avec une typo un peu funky sur un fond de nuages, d’espaces larges, éclatés, d’horizons sans fin. Ça aussi, ça m’interpelle, ces images d’ouverture sur fouille-moi-quoi-mais-ça-dont-l’air-intense. 16 Things To Start Doing For A Day That Ends As Well As It Starts.

“There is nowhere morning does not go.” ― Leah Hager Cohen I’m not a morning person, but I will tell you, the way you start your day is the way you will carry through, and it will affect a lot of things.

16 Things To Start Doing For A Day That Ends As Well As It Starts

Honestly, I’m a sleep/nap aficionado and so before I actually started doing these things I wouldn’t even hear of it because nothing could be better than getting to sleep those extra few minutes. But it’s really not true. It’s just not. These little things are, I would say, crucial for starting yourself out on the right foot, and without fail, the more I’ve done them, the better I feel and the more productive I am. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

10 ways to improve your personal brand. Effective career management involves managing a brand, and that brand is you and your career accomplishments.

10 ways to improve your personal brand

If it helps, think of your career as one long brand campaign that will evolve over time but always has the goal of presenting you in the best possible light. A brand is, in essence, a promise of a certain level of performance. Great brands have high expectations attached to them, and everything associated with a great brand reflects those expectations. What do the things associated with you say about your personal brand? Seemingly small details add up to a big overall impression. 1. Less formal than a résumé, this document describes your professional value proposition (PVP). 2. This is the spoken version of your bio. 3. Can you sum up your PVP in just two to four words?