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Free Twitter Analytics: The Ultimate Guide. Looking for tools for Twitter you can use for free?

Free Twitter Analytics: The Ultimate Guide

Analysing your account or your competitors Twitter account can identify key areas which effect the number of followers, your engagement and the success you have on Twitter. When was the last time you analysed your twitter account or your competitors? What are they doing that you should be? Well fear no more, we have some free twitter analytics tools for you to help you do a deep dive. These are all third party twitter tools we have not covered any analytics provided directly through Twitter. Bonus: Click below to get 2 bonus videos with advice not found in this post. 1. Twtrland is great tool identifying influencers and drilling down on profiles of individual people.

This is your core list but now you can start filtering the list further Twtrland provides a nice overall view of a profile for a user. Here’s an view of part of a profile analysis 2. Twitonomy will provide: The following image shows an example of the overall statistics displayed. Getting the most out of Twitter for events. Twitter fundamentals for events Poor WiFi/3/4G = Poor experience/results Poor #yourevent hashtag promotion = Poor interaction Your event Twitter hashtag# = Is not just for Christmas, or one event. It’s about building a long term community Twitter = Amplifying messages/information, engagement, interaction, broadcast, reach, frequency, extended audiences, measurement, feedback.

Know your content and its suitability for broadcast (Twitter). Brief your presenters to provide sound-bites, short link references, rich, shareable content. Know your audience (in the venue and remotely). 21 Ideas on how to maximise Twitter at an event This is not an exhaustive checklist but you may find ideas that will transform the effectiveness and ROI of your next event:- Actively engage your audience using Twitter and heavily promote it using all vehicles of communication eg Don’t miss our event news and competitions on Twitter #yourevent hashtag. Use #yourevent for key logistics announcements too. Soyez visibles sur Twitter - Mettez-vous aux Twitter Cards.

Qu’est ce que Twitter Card?

Soyez visibles sur Twitter - Mettez-vous aux Twitter Cards

C’est un nouveau service, il date du mois de Juin, qui est, comme son nom le laisse supposer, actuellement proposé par Twitter. Son nom? Twitter Cards. Ce Twitter Card permet aux professionnels d’insérer directement un résumé du contenu de leur billet ou de page web dans un tweet; Il suffit alors pour les utilisateurs de cliquer sur « résumé » et le texte s’affiche. Ainsi les sites web se verront offrir la possibilité d’ajouter toute sorte de contenus associés à leur Url, des images, des descriptions, voire des vidéos… L’avantage qui en ressort pour les éditeurs est donc de pouvoir contrôler la façon dont toute information peut être incluse dans les tweets.

Comment l’obtenir ? C’est donc le moment de l’installer sur son site. Les trois différents types de cartes La carte résumé Cette carte est la plus générale de toutes. La carte photo Cette fonctionnalité permet d’adjoindre une photo à votre tweet. La carte player Conclusion. 20 simple ways to get more retweets on Twitter. I’ve touched upon this subject before but thought I’d compile a post specifically aimed at bloggers / writers / content creators.

20 simple ways to get more retweets on Twitter

Many brands are investing in content like never before. They use blogs and social networks to attract traffic, and to encourage people to share their posts. So what do they need to think about to try to increase the amount of sharing on Twitter? The art of timing your tweets is one of the most important factors in driving retweets. Tweet at the right times This is probably the most important point. Find out the best times for you to tweet by using tools like Tweroid and Socialbro. Retweet yourself I used to think it was spammy to post the same tweet twice, albeit at different times of the day. It may make sense to share content more than once to appeal to people in different territories. Avoid publishing tweets in batch You should always try to leave enough space between your tweets. Be useful / helpful / informative Fill the gaps Internal linking Lists FTW Bait!