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U.S. Army Awards and Decorations

Military Services, the Army uses military awards and decorations (medals and ribbons) to foster mission accomplishment by recognizing excellence of military members of the force and motivating them to high levels of performance and service. A medal will not be awarded or presented to any individual whose entire service subsequent to the time of the distinguished act, achievement, or service has not been honorable.

The determination of "honorable" will be based on such honest and faithful service according the standards of conduct, courage, and duty required by law and customs of the service of a member of the grade to whom the standard is applied. Army awards and decorations are approved accordance to the guidance contained in Army Regulation 600-8-22, Military Awards. Rules for the proper wear of Army awards and decorations can be found in Army Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms. MyPay Web Site. Knowledge Online. Leaders Book Items ( page 1.

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