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Military Equipment: Decorated Parade Armour. Roman Military EquipmentBack to MainpageRoman Military MainpageRoman Military EquipmentRoman Helmet Mainpage Protective Equipment: Roman HelmetsHelmets with Face Masks Below are examples of Face Mask Helmets, thought to have been worn in battle and during parades by cavalry.

Military Equipment: Decorated Parade Armour

Bronze mask type Kalkriese. Face Armour. Roman Military EquipmentBack to MainpageRoman Military MainpageRoman Military EquipmentRoman Helmet Mainpage Protective Equipment: Roman HelmetsHelmets with Face Masks Below are examples of Face Mask Helmets, thought to have been worn in battle and during parades by cavalry.

Face Armour

Bronze mask type Kalkriese. Definition is a mask without ears and low hanging hinge on forehead. Tabula Peutingeriana. Back to RNG Mainpage The Tabula Peutingeriana See the Tabula Peutingeriana, the only surving copy (made in the Middle Ages) of a late Roman road map showing the roads and distances across the Roman Empire Overview from West to East Section 1 Spain Section 2 Lugdunum Section 3 Colonia, Treveri, Argentorate Section 4 Mediolanum Section 5 Aquilea, Regina, Lauriacum Section 6 Roma Section 7 Belgrade Section 8 Patras Section 9 Athens Section 10 Constantinopolis Section 11 Kajseri, Trabzon Section 12 Antiochia Section 13 Urfa Section 14 further EastLink to another good page on the tabula peutingeriana:

Tabula Peutingeriana

Varus Battle

The Roman Empire.