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Leer xml desde jsp + Cristalab. Hola dipone, no entiendo porque colocaste como titulo Leer xml desde jsp si lo que necesitas es una función en AJAX, para leer los datos de un XML JSP es una tecnología que trabaja con Java para generar contenido dinámico del lado del servidor y ser entregado a un cliente Web en aplicaciones Web o Enterprise las cuales manejan JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, Enterprise Java Beans, etc.

Leer xml desde jsp + Cristalab

Aquí te dejo un ejemplo de como recuperar datos de un XML desde javascript. Documento XML Código : Documento Javascript // Variablevar URLservidor = ' archivoXML = 'data.xml'; // Creación del ObjectoXMLHttpRequesttry{ ObjectoXMLHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");}catch(exception1){ try{ ObjectoXMLHttpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }catch(exception2){ ObjectoXMLHttpRequest = false; }}if(! Documento HTML <! Saludos y espero que esto solvente tu problema. XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 3: JavaScript meets XML in Firefox. Once you've learned about basic XML viewing and styling in the Firefox browser, the next capability you're likely to care about is scripting.

XML in Firefox 1.5, Part 3: JavaScript meets XML in Firefox

In this article, I show the basics of how you can manipulate XML with JavaScript code. I include code examples and screenshots, all of which I created and tested using Firefox on Ubuntu Linux® with a fresh profile (that is, with no extensions and with the default options as installed). If you want to write cross-browser code for XML processing, you might have to use additional browser-sniffing techniques, but I don't cover those in this article. Loading an XML file You can load an XML document from JavaScript code embedded in a Web page. Listing 1. <? Listing 2 is an HTML page that starts out as nothing more than a link that says, "Click here to load addresses. " Listing 2. <! The dynamic features are in the script element, defining a JavaScript function loadAddresses, which the link in the HTML invokes. XML DOM y JavaScript — - Blog sobre programacion front, xhtml, css, estándares y accesibilidad web. Xml_javascrip.

In my article, "Read and Display Server-Side XML with JavaScript", I discussed the manipulation of XML files using JavaScript in Microsoft Internet Explorer.


In this article, I’ll explain how to read and use XML file data using JavaScript in Mozilla. We will see how to display tag values, tag attribute values, and more. Henceforth, I won’t explicitly mention Mozilla in this article, because we will be dealing with Mozilla only, which includes Netscape 6.x, 7.x. I’ll let you know specifically when I’m referring to Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE, or simply IE), however. The Sample XML File I’ll use the same XML file that I used in my last article, so it’s easier for those who have already dealt with that file to understand. <? As you can see, the above XML file shows a company’s employees’ details, with the name as the tag <employee>‘s main (or node) value; other details such as an employee’s id, sex and age are given as attributes id, sex and age within the same tag.

Xml_javascrip. XML is a very important base on which Web Services work, and, in conjunction with a number of client- and server-side languages, can be put to good effect.


Let’s see how we can use XML and client side JavaScript to display the contents of a XML file, access child elements, manipulate elements, and more! Browser Issues When it comes to client side languages, browser incompatibilities are a major issue. But here, using XML and JavaScript, it’s XML that’s the issue: not all browsers support the parsing of XML documents. I’ll use IE6 to explain the codes. Sample XML File Let’s consider a sample XML file, which shows employee data and Turnover of a company: <? Manipulating the XML file data using JavaScript Load The XML File You can load a XML fie from JavaScript like this: var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); function loadXML(xmlFile) { xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.onreadystatechange=verify; xmlDoc.load(xmlFile); xmlObj=xmlDoc.documentElement; }