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133625320119843250.gif (320×240) 133625310853517643.gif (320×240) Nunca-se-me-ocurrio.jpg (440×593) Loa761MAVc1qghhwyo1_500.jpg (500×667) Krysten Ritter - DemolitionVenom Photo (23851370) - Fanpop fanclubs! Resultados de la Búsqueda de imágenes de Google de. Vintage fashion oakland california style blog indie san francisco by calivintage. A few recent life changes have pushed me to do some major closet purging over the last couple of months. it’s just what happens when you relocate from one climate to another all while watching your belly expand to proportions you didn’t think possible. but even if you aren’t going through something as major as a move or a pregnancy, there’s still always that 20% (or more) of your wardrobe that just hangs in the back of the closet. you fully intend to wear them one day, but let’s face it, sometimes you have to admit defeat and accept that it’s time to part ways. i really like the idea of swapping clothes because it’s fun to see my stuff go off to nice new homes, and it’s a way for me to get new things without having to give in to the lure of fast-fashion. the site is still in private beta, but you can bypass the wait list with this link so you can start swapping right now and get a better look at the items i’ve listed so far!

El primer objetivo en esta vida. Kurioso. Terry richardson.