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The Spanish Conquest of the Americas

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Materials to build houses in the Mexico Valley. Temples. Human sacrifice. Materials of Clothing. Staple foods. Commiting a crime. Traditional Aztec Language. The 6th Century. Height of the Aztec Empire. Fall of the Aztec Empire. 1440-1469. 1517CE. 1522CE. Man-made and natural features. Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website. Aztec Empire The Aztec Empire dominated Mesoamerica from Mexico and Guatemala to the territories of Salvador and Honduras in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for almost one hundred years.

Welcome to the Aztec Civilization Website

This was at the same time as the Inca Empire in Peru. The Aztec empire was made up of the native people who were called the Nahuatl-speakers and the Culhua-Mexico, who had come from the Pacific Northwest and settled in the area which would become the capital of Mexico, Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs began their reign in 1427 after the leader, Itzcoatl, with the assistance of surrounding cities, defeated the Tepanecs and gained control of the Mexican basin. The Tenochcas slowly became more powerful and skilled in warfare, so that various peoples of the area wanted to become allies with them in the constant conflicts between the tribes.

Aztec Empire Map 1519.