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Twitter. Pinterest. Instagram. Facebook. 6 Tips for Creating Content That Spreads Naturally. We’ve all been there -- you hit publish on a blog post and expect the social shares, page views, and agreeable comments to start rolling in. But sometimes you get pure silence -- crickets, even -- in response. Using social media and content to market your business isn't a new concept, so just doing the bare minimum won't cut it. I mean, think about how often content is shared across the web -- there are one billion Facebook users, and according to Twitter itself, there are about one billion tweets sent every two and a half days. That means there's a lot of content ... and also, a ton of noise. So it takes more effort than simply publishing content and doing your typical marketing to reach your audience and generate leads.

If you're interested in learning more about these concepts, join the author for a webinar with HubSpot, How to Improve Lead Generation Using the Social Media Advancements from 2012, December 10th at 2PM EST. 1) Don't try something new. Wait. Seriously. 2) Surprise people. HOW TO: Evaluate Your Social Media Plan. Meaghan Edelstein has gained national media attention through her blog, I Kicked Cancer's Ass, which she started to document her battle with end stage cancer.

She is an attorney, the founder of the non-profit organization Spirit Jump, and the Social Media Director for Many companies, startups and well established businesses are frustrated because their social media presence isn’t larger or yet benefiting their bottom line. One of the big issues is that most companies start using social media thinking it's the holy grail.

It takes time, effort, and resources before this new media will have an impact on you brand. Here are a few tips businesses should consider. 1. Are You Using the Right Platform? There are many social media platforms to consider when designing an online campaign. When launching a Facebook presence, consider the various platforms within this medium; Pages, Groups and now Communities. Blogging can be a powerful tool for any brand. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stratégie sur les médias sociaux. Lorsque l’on évoque le terme de stratégie sur les médias sociaux, on ne peut s’empêcher de penser à la multitude de choses qui nous reste à faire. Il n’est pas possible de déterminer une méthodologie universelle car il faut bien évidemment s’adapter à chaque entreprise et à chaque objectif. En revanche, il est nécessaire de se fixer certaines règles. Nous allons tenter d’établir une chronologie qui, bien que générale, représentera votre base de départ. Pour agir sur les médias sociaux, on se doit de respecter une certaine logique et ligne de conduite.

Pour cela, je vous ai préparé une méthode nommée le « Social Media Snake » soit, pour les anglophobes, le « serpent des médias sociaux » ! Pour chaque étape importante, je rédigerai un article dédié spécialement à celle-ci sans oublier de vous présenter les outils à votre disposition. 1-Faire un état des lieux (publié) Faire le point et noter la date de départ de votre activité sont deux étapes indispensables. 2-Fixer ses objectifs (publié) Begin again.