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Are You Ready to go Back to Work? Ot that ‘back-to-work’ feeling?

Are You Ready to go Back to Work?

As some of us might be looking forward to getting back in the office, others will be feeling apprehensive and maybe a bit sad to see the work-from-home routine dissipate. Everyone’s situation is unique. However, as you approach returning to work, there are some general guidelines that will help you, giving you the best support during the transition. Stay Connected:It might not be necessary to talk about work, but checking in with your line-manager or colleagues will help you feel connected. If you have been on furlough your colleagues may not know how you have been affected by the past year.

Routine: Your normal commute and daily routine may have been disrupted greatly with your waking and bed-times being disrupted. Restructure your exercise times:You might now be accustomed to running in the middle of the day or using your commute time to exercise. Could Your Cuppa Help You Sleep? – Alyve. It’s fair to say that the UK has a bit of a love affair with the ‘builders brew’.

Could Your Cuppa Help You Sleep? – Alyve

Research has shown however that there is more to the humble cuppa than its ability to get us going in the morning. It’s well known that caffeine present in tea can interfere with sleep, so what of its magical qualities that could actually help us sleep? It’s the L-theanine present in green and black tea that’s the secret to the tea leaves’ super power. L-Theanine is an amino-acid which is believed to promote a certain activity in the brain that creates a feeling of relaxation. Studies have shown that L-theanine could help with stress by calming the mind . Generally speaking, research shows that L-Theanine improved sleep with its ability to reduce resting heart rate . Don’t worry about your favourite beverage causing you to fall asleep in the day however, as even though L-theanine can increase relaxation and encourage sleep, it does so without causing drowsiness .

5 Free & Easy Ways to Help Beat the Bloat – Alyve. Ever wondered why you seem to have a flat stomach in the morning (well flattish) and then come the evening you could be forgiven for being 5 months pregnant?

5 Free & Easy Ways to Help Beat the Bloat – Alyve

If so, join the growing number of people who experience abdominal bloating. I’m not referring to a few extra pounds of stomach fat which takes time to accumulate, but the temporary distention which affects almost everyone on occasion and some more than others. The good news is, although stomach bloating can cause discomfort and gets in the way of you and your slim fitting jeans, provided your expansion is not due to a medical condition, the likely cause is intestinal gas and there is much that can be done about that.

Here are 5 simple strategies to help you achieve a flatter stomach: 1. Taking time to chew your food thoroughly stimulates the digestive processes required to adequately break down your food and absorb the nutrients within. 2. 3. I know, easier said than done right. 4. 5 Free & Easy Ways to Help Beat the Bloat – Alyve. 6 Strategies to Slash Afternoon Energy Crash – Alyve. You just can’t concentrate, stringing a sentence together feels like learning a new language and literally all you can think about is where to slip off to for a much-needed siesta.

6 Strategies to Slash Afternoon Energy Crash – Alyve

What has happened? Everything was going so well until an hour or two after lunch We’ve all been there. In fact, this feeling like being tranquilised after lunch is so well known it even has its own name; ‘postprandial slump’. Whilst it seems a natural rhythm leads to an energy lull at around 2 – 4pm, thankfully there are some simple dietary and lifestyle strategies that can help increase your energy and prevent you from experiencing such uncontrollable fatigue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You just can’t concentrate, stringing a sentence together feels like learning a new language and literally all you can think about is where to slip off to for a much-needed siesta. We’ve all been there. 1.