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Sniper GIF. Héros du lundi. Je dis oui à la vieJe m'inscris OLD. J'ai déjà un compteJe me connecte J'ai perdu mes identifiants 1. Je m'inscris avec facebook2. Je m'inscris sans facebook J'accepte les conditions générales d'utilisation Répondre au bon plan : Proposer un post Les liens soumis ne seront publiés qu'après sélection par un tribunal d'exception.

Héros du lundi Lundi 19 septembre 2016 Charger plus de commentaires Commentaires Amis trolls, les commentaires sont modérés @Connard Putain Si ! Juliusjules Les relations avec la Corée du Nord semblent se détendre!!... Connard C'est pas le petit enfant en léger surpoids qui était fournis avec les 30 secondes de bonheur il y a qq posts ? Atrix C'était le bonus de préco de l'iphone rose de connasse posé sur le lit. pseudo - bis.

Tech Noir - Cinemagraphs of living movie stills. May 2016 ‘Chicka-chickahhhh’ Deadpool (2016) When after 2 days of mocking my "man flu" my girlfriend catches it and immediately upgrades it to a fate worse than death. When Chrome warns me that a site has gone fullscreen. What in my head when I think I am coming up with a really convincing argument. Doctor Who on a tank. EVERYTHING is invalid now. After Kanye stopped talking. When I see that Pizza Hut made a Hot Dog Crust Pizza. So Smooth. Tumblr_npw5u1WPYL1qggdn7o1_500.gif (GIF Image, 500 × 639 pixels) This is the mark of a true rockstar - GIF on Imgur. I need this one please. Fruit Ninja. Best Movie Ever. Post-23982-Maurice-Moss-drink-milk-kick-a-QTdG.gif (GIF Image, 500 × 256 pixels) Anigif_enhanced-10748-1431373923-2.gif (GIF Image, 500 × 280 pixels)

Exponential Triangles. AYch4Io.gif (GIF Image, 532 × 529 pixels) Andy is growing up. You think you got me? Think again b*tch. When I pull up to a timid student driver in heavy traffic. Why I love Portal 2. Well... lost again on the Internet. Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan react to Arthur Clarke answering the question: "What do you do when you three hang out?" Leaked Jurassic World plot twist. Only in Battlefield Hardline beta. _mnsvo51aq41rqfhi2o1_250.gif (237×237) Anigif_optimized-31834-1421946372-21.gif (GIF Image, 500 × 280 pixels) Ae3RzXQ_460sa.gif (GIF Image, 374 × 245 pixels) Page. Daduntsh.gif (GIF Image, 600 × 333 pixels) When my friend invites me to a dry New Year party because "we don't need alcohol to have fun" 61762-Ken-jeong-dancing-upvote-gif-GwYt.gif (GIF Image, 360 × 202 pixels) WTF is happening here? a0PZ8Qq_460sa_v1.gif (GIF Image, 460 × 256 pixels) Nothing productive. Mjzqm1ljTA1r2g6n6o1_500.gif (500×667) House-ohsnap. Slideman.

Jetpack. Overly manly man goes fishing. When my coworker tells me I look fabulous today. Mommy. The correct way to play Jenga. I'm gonna save you Patrick!! When a hot Indian girl calls me spicy. Will Japanese game shows ever run out of new ideas?! All - The 17 Most Unexpected Things That Have Ever Happened. Mj8r3sZfJZ1rhi0rbo1_500.gif (425×319) AqmjKxY_460sa.gif (384×288) 191911.gif (267×150) If someone is ever making you feel uncomfortable, do this. a3YNmPv_460sa.gif (230×154) Didn't expect that. Fuck this, and that. 21 Gifs With Shocking Twist Endings. 21 GIFs That Are Actually Worth Looking At. The Essential One-Stop Dance GIF Post. More Dance GIFs To Make Your Life Not Suck. Inline_miesplKemi1qz4rgp.gif (320×240) a1Ay5GG_460sa_v1.gif (400×166) I need a hug... When I buy a mood light. Workaholics-Blake-Fur-Sure.gif (GIF Image, 490 × 262 pixels)