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Une coupe du monde (foot 2014) bien peu recommandable !

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This timelapse serves up some deforestation with your World Cup. Comment ils nous ont volé le football. (dessin : Stéphane Bouzon, Fakir Éditions) Corruption, dopage, chauvinisme, machisme, outil des dictateurs, diversion, achat de joueurs, achat de votes, matchs truqués : qui s’intéresse au football ne peut ignorer ces dérives récurrentes.

Comment ils nous ont volé le football

Ce sport reste pourtant l’un des plus populaires au monde, rassemblant dans plus de 17 000 clubs en France deux millions de licenciés et 200 000 bénévoles. Mais pendant que certains se retrouvaient le dimanche sur le terrain de foot caillouteux de l’association sportive du coin, l’histoire du football a épousé celle du libéralisme, devenant un business dont les enjeux financiers ont aiguisé les appétits des annonceurs, des fonds de pension et des cadres dirigeants de la FIFA. Entretien : Daniel Mermet Programmation musicale : Mondial 2014 : Révolte au Brésil.

Mascotte du Mondial: fini le blabla, place aux actes! Au Brésil, le Tatou à trois bandes (Tolypeutes tricinctus) est surnommé tatu-bola pour sa faculté à se mettre en boule.

Mascotte du Mondial: fini le blabla, place aux actes!

Mais, la comparaison entre l’animal et le ballon rond s’arrête là car, contrairement au football qui est omniprésent au pays du roi Pelé, il ne reste plus que quelques petits groupes isolés de cette espèce en danger d’extinction. Victimes de la chasse, les tatous-boule sont aussi menacés par la déforestation. A une semaine du Mondial, le métro de Sao Paulo se met en « grève illimitée » The Dark Side of Brazil: Police teargas Indians at anti-World Cup protest.

Hundreds of Brazilian Indians are protesting against the World Cup © Agencia Brasil Hundreds of Brazilian Indians are protesting against the World Cup this week, marching in the streets of Brasília and around the capital’s Mané Garrincha football stadium, calling for their lands and lives to be protected.

The Dark Side of Brazil: Police teargas Indians at anti-World Cup protest

Yesterday Indians brandishing bows and arrows and carrying signs reading ‘FIFA NO. DEMARCATION YES!’ Were teargassed by police. There is mounting anger at the government’s failure to recognize and protect their lands, vital for their survival, while spending millions of dollars on hosting the World Cup. The protestors who are from several tribes have forced FIFA to close the stadium, and to cancel its trophy display. A delegation of 18 indigenous protestors met the Minister of Justice yesterday. The Guarani tribe, Brazil’s largest, suffers extremely high malnutrition and suicide rates as their land has been stolen to make way for vast sugar cane plantations. Share this news story. Brazil, Don't treat World Cup Protesters As Terrorists. Mr.

Brazil, Don't treat World Cup Protesters As Terrorists

Sven Sierens, Belgium Jun 01, 11:06 Mr. Coupe du monde : ces dizaines de Brésiliens tués au nom du foot business. Expulsions forcées, disparitions, assassinats, répression policière, flambées de violences...

Coupe du monde : ces dizaines de Brésiliens tués au nom du foot business

La situation se détériore au Brésil depuis quelques semaines. New study reveals world's highest suicide rate among Brazilian tribe. The Guarani suffer extremely high rates of suicide and violence as a result of the theft of their land. © Survival A shocking new study has revealed that a Brazilian tribe now suffers the highest suicide rate in the world.

New study reveals world's highest suicide rate among Brazilian tribe

In 2013, at least 72 members of the Guarani tribe committed suicide (equivalent to 232 per 100,000), a rate that has nearly tripled over the last two decades. The majority of victims are between 15 and 30 years old. The news follows violent clashes between police and indigenous protestors on the eve of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The Guarani, who live in Brazil’s southern agricultural heartlands, have lost most of their land to cattle ranches and sugar-cane plantations, and their leaders are regularly attacked and assassinated. One Guarani man said, “There’s no future, there’s no respect, there are no jobs and there is no land where we can plant and live. Coca-Cola and FIFA's image has been contrasted with an angry Indian man demanding, 'Let the Guarani live! ' Officials Must Act on Water Shortage in Sāo Paolo with World Cup Starting in June. Ms. becerra marie-claude, France Jun 07, 10:56 Mr.

Officials Must Act on Water Shortage in Sāo Paolo with World Cup Starting in June

STEFANOS PAPACONSTANTINOU, Greece Ms. Amanda Leon, United Kingdom Jun 07, 10:55 Mrs. Ms. Mrs. rostoll j, France Mr. alexey Sorokin, Russian Federation Ms.