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DigiZen: Un blogfesor aprendiendo — God is what happens when all of humanity is connected; we owe our lives to people we'll never meet. Jim Gilliam. SPSS Class Notes. SPSS Class Notes SPSS is a very easy-to-use statistical package that runs on Windows, Macintosh and UNIX platforms.

SPSS Class Notes

This class is designed for people who are just starting to use SPSS. The students in the class will have a hands-on experience using SPSS for doing statistics, graphics, and data management. The class notes are the scripts for the class. The SPSS class notes do not contain any of the computer output. . * These movies were made with Camtasia Studio; please see the Techsmith web site for more information. The content of this web site should not be construed as an endorsement of any particular web site, book, or software product by the University of California.

Código fuente completo de este sitio - / art culo. 1.

Código fuente completo de este sitio - / art culo

Preliminares Mi idea es poder compartir con todos el código del portal que están viendo. Sería bueno que lo revisen, lo usen, aprendan y ojalá me informen de los problemas que encuentren. Aunque pronto quiero añadir cierta funcionalidad adicional al sitio, espero que esta versión les sea de utilidad. Cutline Theme for WordPress — One Giant Leap for Mankind. Pages and Clips. An anticipation model of potential customers' purchasing behavior based on clustering analysis and association rules analysis.

This paper proposes an anticipation model of potential customers' purchasing behavior.

An anticipation model of potential customers' purchasing behavior based on clustering analysis and association rules analysis

This model is inferred from past purchasing behavior of loyal customers and the web server log files of loyal and potential customers by means of clustering analysis and association rules analysis. Clustering analysis collects key characteristics of loyal customers' personal information; these are used to locate other potential customers. Association rules analysis extracts knowledge of loyal customers' purchasing behavior, which is used to detect potential customers' near-future interest in a star product. "Hello World!" for Microsoft Windows (The Java™ Tutorials > Getting Started > The "Hello World!" Application) It's time to write your first application!

"Hello World!" for Microsoft Windows (The Java™ Tutorials > Getting Started > The "Hello World!" Application)

The following instructions are for users of Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. Instructions for other platforms are in "Hello World! " for Solaris OS and Linux and "Hello World! " for the NetBeans IDE. If you encounter problems with the instructions on this page, consult the Common Problems (and Their Solutions). A Checklist To write your first program, you'll need: The Java SE Development Kit 8 (JDK 8)You can download the Windows version now. These two items are all you'll need to write your first application. Creating Your First Application. CRM: MODELO Y HERRAMIENTAS PARA DESARROLLO DE SOLUCIONES CRM. Errors » PMIS: Project Management Information System, built on PMP. The Matrix of Change: Erik Brynjolfsson Amy Austin Renshaw Marshall van Alstyne MIT Sloan School of Management 50 Memorial Drive E53-308.

The Matrix of Change:

Business Process Redesign: An Overview (Article) Business Process Redesign: An Overview © Copyright, 1998, Yogesh Malhotra, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved E-Mail: Reference citation for this document is given below: Malhotra, Yogesh.

Business Process Redesign: An Overview (Article)

"Business Process Redesign: An Overview," IEEE Engineering Management Review, vol. 26, no. 3, Fall 1998. This article may be printed as a paper copy for non-profit, non-commercial, academic or educational use provided no alterations are made and the copyright notice is maintained intact. Business Process Reengineering. Construcción de modelos de regresión. Sales Forecasting: Everything About Sales Forecasting. A sales forecast is a prediction based on past sales performance and an analysis of expected market conditions.

Sales Forecasting: Everything About Sales Forecasting

The true value in making a forecast is that it forces us to look at the future objectively. The company that takes note of the past stays aware of the present and precisely analyzes that information to see into the future. Conducting a sales forecast will provide your business with an evaluation of past and current sales levels and annual growth, and allow you to compare your company to industry norms. It will also help you establish your policies so that you easily can monitor your prices and operating costs to guarantee profits, and make you aware of minor problems before they become major problems.

Tesis dirigidas - Richard Weber. RFM: herramienta poderosa. Jorge E.

RFM: herramienta poderosa

Cómo predecir el valor del ciclo de vida del cliente - ¿Cuándo resulta razonable dar un trato preferente a los clientes? «La predicción es muy difícil, sobre todo cuando se trata del futuro.»

Cómo predecir el valor del ciclo de vida del cliente - ¿Cuándo resulta razonable dar un trato preferente a los clientes?

Aunque el físico Niels Bohr, galardonado con un premio Nobel, probablemente tenía en mente fenómenos subatómicos de mecánica cuántica cuando realizó esta observación, lo mismo podría decirse de las conductas de los clientes. O eso pensaron Robert Blattberg, Profesor de Marketing en la Kellogg School of Management, y Edward Malthouse, Profesor Titular de Comunicaciones de Marketing Integradas en la Medill School of Journalism de Northwestern, en su artículo publicado en Journal of Interactive Marketing, en el que describen la sorprendente incertidumbre inherente a aplicar técnicas diferenciales de marketing a clientes basándose en su comportamiento previo. En palabras de Blattberg: «Simplemente, la conducta es más más difícil de predecir».

«Las empresas se concentran en recompensar a los mejores clientes, porque creen que seguirán siendo los mejores clientes», afirmó Blattberg. «Ahora, pensemos en Southwest», continuó. Database Marketing: Analyzing and Managing Customers - Robert C. Blattberg, Byung-Do Kim, Scott A. Neslin. Clase3 Caso Practico. User:Jairah. From ADempiere ERP Wiki Web Mistress of So pay attention to how you listen.


For to the one who has something, more will be given. However, from the one who doesn't have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him. (Luke 8:18)'Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, (Col 3:23)Do your own work well, and then you will have something to be proud of. Want to know me better? First, as you can see, I'm a Christian, a God fearing person. Fire and Ice. Part 5. BPMN and the Forgotten Art. Prologue As stated in the first installment of my Fire and Ice cycle, its ultimate objective is to facilitate preparation of EPCs for BPMN-based automation.

However, I strongly believe a different architectural approach to process modeling is needed, too. Obxpress/Configuration Functional Specification - OpenbravoWiki. This document presents the functional specifications for the configuration of Openbravo Xpress. Openbravo Xpress is a solution that comprises many elements aimed a delivering a fixed scope, fixed price implementation of Openbravo ERP in 40 hour of less. To achieve this goal, many different deliverables are needed, spanning many functional areas, ranging from a consulting implementation methodology, to a standardized training material, to new product capabilities. Among the new product capabilities that have been identified, there are: Managing NPDI Processes. Managing NPDI Processes Applying Business Process Management Principles to New Product Development and Introduction By Pejman Makhfi - August 2010 Download the PDF version. Order fulfillment - BPMN v2.0 Specifications - BPI.

Review: Business Process Driven SOA Using BPMN and BPEL - Business Process Watch. Packt Publishing sent me a copy of “Process Driven SOA Using BPMN and BPEL” by Juric and Pant, and on the plane to OMG’s BPM Think Tank I had a chance to review it. In addition to the usual boilerplate about BPM and SOA, the book promises to show how to do roundtrip engineering between BPMN and BPEL. This would be a useful thing to explain. BPMN-BPEL mapping is a bit of a square peg in a round hole, but tricks and workarounds do exist, and showing how to modify arbitrary BPMN to be roundtrippable with BPEL is an interesting topic. Unfortunately, the book does not say anything about it.

Review: Business Process Driven SOA Using BPMN and BPEL - Business Process Watch. Dr. Oscar Barros V. 4- Simulación de modelos. Conceptos de simulación. Tendencias: diagramas de flujo IDEF0. Como requisito HACCP, muchas veces se solicita hacer el ya clásico diagrama de bloques. Bpm nby example. Index of /bpmn/Documents. Modeling BPEL4WS. Richard C. Gronback - Borland Software Corporation Introduction to BPM. Modelado en BPMN de proceso para gestión de tareas según sistema GTD (Getting Things Done). BPMN 2 y el modelado de procesos. Business Analysis.

FileNet P8. PacktLib - Getting Started with Oracle BPM Suite 11gR1 – A Hands-On Tutorial. BPMN stands for Business Process Modeling Notation and is a public standard maintained by OMG. It describes a business-friendly, flow chart-like graphical notation that business process analysts and business users can use to model business processes and has support for process interactions, exception handling, compensation semantics, and so on.

It is widely accepted by both commercial and open source BPMS tooling vendors. It is highly adaptable and can be used to capture everything from abstract process outlines to detailed process flows to implementation ready processes. One of the main value propositions of BPMN besides being a diagram standard is the precise semantics behind the diagram. The shape, the symbols (also referred to as markers), the borders, the placement of the BPMN diagram elements, as well as their properties have well defined meanings and have to be interpreted in the same manner by all tools. A quick introduction to BPMN. Tutorial interactivo de BPMN.

Direct Marketing Consulting - Articles - Circulation Planning - Response Analysis. Clipping Minería. Reflexiones acerca de Patrones de Diseño de Software.