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Posters, Wordclouds, Infographics, and MindMaps

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Word Clouds. Infographics. How to Create an Awesome Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC] There's no better way to show companies how to create an engaging infographic than through outlined steps in the form of an infographic.

How to Create an Awesome Infographic [INFOGRAPHIC]

A new infographic by Infographic Labs — first published by — highlights the best practices of developing a creative way to get the word out about new data. As the amount of information we consume on the Internet grows and attention spans decrease thanks to a bevvy of distractions from email to Facebook, market research firms and other companies are packaging new data in visual ways. In some cases, infographics even go viral. SEE ALSO: 20 Reasons to Switch to Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC] A Picture is Worth 1,000 Gigabytes: Creating InfoGraphics with Middle School Students.

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