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Explanation of Blogs. You've seen the word, you've seen the web sites and you may even have one.

Explanation of Blogs

But have you ever wondered: What's the big deal about blogs? To make sense of blogs, you have to think about the news and who makes it. We'll look at news in the 20th vs. the 21st century to make our point. In the 20th century, the news was produced professionally. When news happened, reporters wrote the stories and a tiny group of people decided what appeared in a newspaper or broadcast. Use of Blogs in Teaching. Free Blogging platforms for teachers and students :A- Edublogs The world's most popular educational blogging service, Edublogs lets you easily create and manage student and teacher blogs, quickly customize and include videos.

Use of Blogs in Teaching

B- Blogger This is a free weblog publishing tool from Google, for sharing text, photos and video. This is probably the most user friendly blogging platform out there. You can set up as many blogs as you want and right from your Google account. C- Wordpress This is another great blogging platform for students and teachers and is very easy to use and completely free. How to set up a blog It depends on the kind of blogging platform you are going to use but generally speaking, the process is very easy and takes only a couple of minutes. Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs. University of Wisconsin - Stout — Schedule of Online Courses, Online Certificate Programs, and Graduate Degree Follow us on Facebook.

Rubric for Evaluating Student Blogs

This rubric may be used for assessing individual blog entries, including comments on peers’ blogs. Blogger: Create your free Blog. Blogger Video Training. — Get a Free Blog Here. 7 things about Wordpress.
