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Blog › [Bases de CSS3] les Media Queries. Blog › [Bases de CSS3] transition et animations. Avant de commencer le tutoriel, ile me semble important de rappeler la structure du langage CSS, chose que je n'ai pas faite dans l'article précédent.

blog › [Bases de CSS3] transition et animations

Voici donc un petit schéma explicatif : h4>Transition Compatibilité : Firefox (-moz-), Chrome et Safari (-webkit-), Opéra (-o-). Cette propriété CSS3 permet de manière simple de créer une transition entre deux états d'une ou de plusieurs propriétés, par exemple un changement de couleur ou de largeur. Voyons sans plus attendre sa structure : transition : [propriété cible] [durée] [fonction] [délai]; transition-property : [propriété cible]; // none | all | propriété cible transition-duration : [durée de l'animation]; // Xms | Xs transition-timing-function : [fonction]; // voir ci-dessous transition-delay : [délai de lancement de la fonction]; // Xms | Xs transition-duration est la valeur permettant de spécifier le durée de l'animation en secondes (1s, 2s, ou 3s par exemple) ou en millisecondes (100ms, 200ms ou 300ms par exemple).

50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement These are great times for front-end developers.

50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tutorials and Tools - Smashing Magazine

After months of exaggerated excitement about HTML5 and CSS3, the web design community now starts coming up with CSS techniques that actually put newly available technologies to practical use instead of abusing them for pure aesthetic purposes. We see fewer “pure CSS images” and more advanced, clever CSS techniques that can actually improve the Web browsing experience of users. And that’s a good thing! In this post we present recently released CSS techniques, tutorials and tools for you to use and enhance your workflow, thus improving your skills. CSS Techniques Now Playing: transitions and animations with CSSTim Van Damme showcases a fairly simple CSS design that uses transitions, animations and subtle hover-effects to produce an engaging user experience. CSS3 range slider, checkbox + radio buttonA demo of HTML input elements made with CSS3.

The Simpler CSS GridWhy restrict your layout so that it can fit into this 960gs? How to Create a Contact Form using HTML5, CSS3 and PHP. Personally, I feel it is important to be aware of the [positive] impact HTML5 will have on forms and the way they will function in years to come.

How to Create a Contact Form using HTML5, CSS3 and PHP

Realistically, we can’t implement all of the new features today, but you don’t want to be lagging behind the rest of the industry when these features finally become widely supported. Having said that, this tutorial will be focusing on the new HTML5 features that are already supported by all the major browsers, or that at least employ graceful degradation for the browsers that are still trying to play catch up. 1. The Design First of all, this is not a Photoshop tutorial. 2. Now we have a design to work towards, we’re going to form the structure of the contact form using HTML5.