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TLDE Reisig. Preschooler Reading Milestones . Preschooler Language Development . Reading & Language . Education. Reach Out and Read. Tips for Reading Aloud With Preschoolers. Studies show that reading to young children is one of the most important investments a parent can make in their child's school success.

Tips for Reading Aloud With Preschoolers

Here are tips from Reading is Fundamental on why to do it, how to do it, and which books make the best fit for preschool children. Read aloud so preschoolers can: Continue to associate reading with warm, pleasant feelings; learn about words and language; and expand listening skills. Pay attention to the language of books and begin to notice how it differs from spoken language. Listen to the sounds in words and notice how some are the same and some are different. Choose books that preschoolers like: Preschoolers feel good about their growing skills and accomplishments. Try these read-aloud tips: Introduce the book: read the title, author, and illustrator; look at the cover; talk about what the book might be about; suggest things to look and listen for.

Reprinted with the permission of Reading is Fundamental, Inc. ©2007 Reading Is Fundamental, Inc. Reading Tips for Parents of Preschoolers. Read together every day Read to your child every day.

Reading Tips for Parents of Preschoolers

Make this a warm and loving time when the two of you can cuddle close. Give everything a name Build your child's vocabulary by talking about interesting words and objects. For example, "Look at that airplane! Say how much you enjoy reading. How to Create a Literate Home: Young Child and Kindergartner . Reading & Language . Education. The "literate home" for this age child only needs a few inexpensive materials, but parent involvement is key.

How to Create a Literate Home: Young Child and Kindergartner . Reading & Language . Education

Your young child or kindergartner continues to build her language base (understanding and using language) in preparation for learning to read, so she still benefits from lots of talk with adults that helps her learn new words. Young children and kindergartners are beginning to figure out how the written word works, and they are starting to use reading and writing in their daily lives. At this age, having a wide variety of books and writing materials available is crucial.

What You Need Children’s Books For young children, nursery rhymes, ABC books, informational books and storybooks are most appropriate. What You Can Do Organize a bookshelf for your child’s collection. Play and Learn Language Games in English. Online Games. Come along with Get Ready to Read!

Online Games

's Inky the Octopus and Gus the Bunny from PBS' Between the Lions on their underwater adventures. These online games involve young children, with an adult, in entertaining stories and engaging activities that explore a variety of essential early literacy skills. Chapter 1: Gus and Inky's Underwater Adventure On Gus the Bunny's first underwater visit with his friend Inky, the pair offers young children several short activities that explore rhyming words, word recognition, letter names and letter sounds. Play now > Chapter 2: Rhyme TimeGus tries out hip-hop beats as Inky helps him learn about rhyming. Play now > Chapter 3: Wild Word Round UpGus visits the Lone Starfish Dude Ranch for an underwater adventure with Inky. Construct-a-Word. Construct-a-Word provides a simple, engaging way for students to generate dozens of different words by first choosing an ending (for example -an, -ed, -at, -op) and then adding a beginning letter or blend.


When a correct word is created, the word is stored in a Word Bank where students can read and review their words. For each ending, Construct-a-Word prompts students to create between 6 and 14 different possible words, adding an element of fun and discovery. It uses animation and sound to guide students through the steps of creating words, and employs prompts that are clear and easy to master. This interactive tool could be used individually or in small groups, either in one session or across multiple lessons. Puzzle Me Words. Puzzle Me Words is a fun, educational game designed for kindergarten and first-grade students.

Puzzle Me Words

The game reinforces letter sounds by having students combine letters to form words for the pictures they see (e.g., pig and hat). Scootie, a talking school bus, reads the words aloud, further reinforcing the letter sounds. As students complete each round, they earn a new puzzle piece toward their prize puzzle: a coloring sheet that they can print, color, and display proudly at home or in school. Two levels are offered in the game: Beginner—This level limits the choices to eight letters and requires three correct words per round; three rounds are needed to win the prize puzzle.Advanced—This level is more challenging because all twenty-six letters of the alphabet are presented as letter choices and more words are needed to finish each round before winning the prize puzzle.

Built-in save capability allows students to exit but return to their game before they have earned their final prize puzzle. Between the Lions. Come play again later!

Between the Lions

Building Language for Literacy: Early Reading Activities.