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Intelligent-Design. Creation Ministries. Creation-Evolution Headlines. Biblical Creation & History. CreationWiki. Answers in Genesis - Creation, Evolution, Christian Apologetics. Get Answers. Why should a Christian ministry maintain a list of arguments creationists should avoid? As a ministry, we want to honor God and represent Christ well when we defend His Word. This means using honest, intellectually sound arguments that are based in Scripture, logic, and scientific research.

Because there are so many good arguments for a recent creation (which the Bible clearly teaches), we have no need to grasp at straws—arguments using questionable logic and tenuous or no evidence. Answers in Genesis is not willing to distort evidence or resort to bad logic to defend the Bible. Furthermore, there is little harm in avoiding questionable arguments—or, at least, stating that certain interpretations of evidence are doubtful—since there are plenty of valid arguments with well-documented evidences against molecules-to-man evolution, atheism, and the like.

Using bad arguments allows evolutionists to easily “refute” creationists by sidestepping the actual case for biblical creation.