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How to Achieve A Healthy Mindset

03 january 2017

How to Achieve A Healthy Mindset

All personal development gurus tell us we have to achieve a healthy mindset, in order to be better off in our lives. However, very few of them tell us how to switch from our current mindset to a healthier one. This is something you have to figure out on your own. This article is going to give  you a few tips to set you on the right track.

First of all, you need to identify those things that are not so healthy in your actual mindset. Maybe you are too harsh on yourself. Maybe you are a perfectionist. Maybe you aren't able to let go of things that aren't important.

Achieving a healthy mindset  starts by identifying the areas for improvement. Once you are aware of the changes you have to make, you should come up with an action plan. you don't have to do everything in one day. Small changes can be extremely powerful, but only if they are consistent. Psychologists say it takes 30 days to develop a new habit. You should be able to stick to a certain behavior for at least one month, in order to turn it into a habit. Once you manage to pass this stage, your new behavior is going to be come natural, just like brushing and flossing your teeth.

This also means you have to give up your limited vision and try to think outside the box. Humans are reluctant to change, so it's easy to understand why we all cling on to our beloved habits, even when we are aware they aren't good for us. We prefer an evil we are familiar with rather than something unexpected which we know nothing about. We fear change so much, that we are willing to give up our freedom, only to be able to enjoy our daily routine. This is where your main focus should be, if you want a better mindset. There are not so many hazards out there, so it's worth exploring and experiencing new things and new belief systems. Besides, each failure is another lesson, should you choose to look at it this way. We can learn from all negative things that happen to us. Failures and hardship set the stage for creating a grand vision for our future. This type of thinking enables you to achieve whatever you wish for, should you be willing to do what it takes to get there.