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11 Tips To Thrive on Twitter. Posted by Irene Koehler in Business, Networking, Social Media, Tips, Twitter on September 9, 2009 | 35 responses After my post on 11 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Me to Unfollow You on Twitter, many asked that I put together some tips highlighting the best way to get started on Twitter.

11 Tips To Thrive on Twitter

I’m very happy to oblige. How you set-up and manage your Twitter account has a huge impact on how many people decide to follow you (translation: follow = subscribe and have the chance to read what you post). This is important. If you are sharing valuable content, but have no followers, how will that help you? So, buckle up and let’s get going. Know Thyself – The question isn’t “Who to you want to be on Twitter?”

I’m sure I haven’t covered everything, but it is a start. Additional comments powered by BackType. 11 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Me to Unfollow You on Twitter. Posted by Irene Koehler in Business, Social Media, Twitter on July 11, 2009 | 118 responses I love Twitter, no doubt about it.

11 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Me to Unfollow You on Twitter

I have found it to be a fabulous tool, through which I’ve come to know countless brilliant and fascinating people. To me, Twitter is about building relationships. Like all social media tools, there is no one right way to use Twitter. I cannot control how others use it, but I can control who I follow and how I interact with them. I follow most people back who follow me. Just so we’re clear, here are some of the deal-breakers for me which will likely earn you a big unfollow from me: You’re naked (or nearly naked). While you’re here, you’ll also want to check out my 11 Tips to Thrive on Twitter. What about you? 2 Comments Additional comments powered by BackType. Directory of All Things Twitter – Finally! Posted by Irene Koehler in Business, Social Media, Twitter on September 30, 2009 | 5 responses Twitter can be confusing, especially when you’re just getting started.

Directory of All Things Twitter – Finally!

The Twitter website itself is fairly simple. It allows you to post messages (or “tweets”), view tweets from people you’re following and run a search on everyone’s tweets. That’s about it. The magic really begins to happen when you are able to use Twitter on-the-go on your phone, build groups of people who seem most interesting to you, or share photos and files through Twitter. I’m often asked to recommend the best apps to manage Twitter from someone’s iPhone, which apps allow photos to be posted to Twitter and so on. To make sense of it all in a clean and easy-to-use format, Lauren Fitton (@pistachio), has just released to open beta (meaning that it is now open to everyone). I encourage you to take a look. What do you think? Additional comments powered by BackType. I'm Engaged! (4 Tales of Accidental Twitter Friends) Posted by Irene Koehler in Business, Networking, Social Media, Tips, Twitter on November 17, 2009 | 16 responses It’s true, I’m engaged.

No, not that kind of engaged. I’m virtually engaged – listening to conversations and building relationships online. As with other networking platforms, I use Twitter primarily for business purposes. Still, as we all know, even when we network and use social media for business, we don’t talk about business 100% of the time, right? Along the way, I’ve met so many fabulous people. Aside from the strategic alliances, I encourage you to be open to the unknown. Watching: Ships Passing in the Night ( Jim Connolly) Over a year ago, I often saw this guy start tweeting just before I went to sleep and talk about ending his day just as I was getting going in the morning. Connecting: Networking in the Carpool Lane ( Cathryn Hrudicka) As I scanned the tweets, I saw one from a woman who shared that she’d be interested in going if she could get a ride with someone.