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Make Your Own LED Wedding Table Cards. For years I've been drawn to stuff that lights up. Maybe it was all the glow-in-the-dark toys they made back in the 80's. Maybe I'm just part moth. Whatever the case, when I started planning for my wedding I knew that I wanted to make something myself that was unique and lit up and looked awesome. My original idea was to make some kind of LED centerpiece. I was looking online and found that there are already many prefabbed setups to make LED centerpieces, but nothing really gave me the unique twist I was looking for. Finally, I stumbled upon the idea for edge-lit holiday cards at which linked me to the LED Throwie Instructable, which in turn led me to all the other cool stuff on this site.

It was then that my idea for light up table cards was born. Before delving any deeper, I'd like to give one cautionary note to anyone thinking of making these. In the end, the payoff can be pretty cool though. OK, now let's cut to the chase... Photo Transfer Tote Bag - Pets - 45 Awesome Free Bag Making Tutorials | A Purse Thingy. So, how was your weekend? Mine was fun, but exhausting. I decided to go and visit TheSecondChild on Saturday.

It’s a six hour drive, so I got up early and I was down there by noon. I made a quick fabric shop stop and then TheSecondChild and I had a little lunch. Then we had a fun-filled afternoon of cleaning the house he lives in with 2 other 22-yr. old pigs guys. They had the clutter pretty well picked up, but boy, was it ever dirty. Anyway, last week. before all that excitement, I had fun making some little keychain cell phone id coin whatever-else-you-want-to-throw-in-there purses. They’re pretty easy to make and I thought you might like to make some too, so I took some pictures of the process and thought I’d write a little tutorial. Here’s a shot of the back of the purse with my cell phone tucked into the little pocket. So, shall we start? Some scraps of fabric — I used three different prints. Purse Back: Cut a 7″ long x 5 1/2″ wide piece of fabric. Oops! So, that’s it. Happybird's Crafting Haven: Make A Cute Little Bow With A Fork..

I made this fork bow tutorial for you. It's very easy and makes cute little bows that can be tied to favors, small earring boxes, homemade Christmas ornaments and more! I used an old, big serving fork to demonstrate, but you can use a regular size fork or dowels glued on a wooden base. Picture 1 Below: All you need is some kind of 4 pronged fork, ribbon and a pair of scissors. Picture 2 Below: First off, start by weaving the ribbon in and out of the fork. Leave a little extra ribbon on the left and just let it lie there. The ribbon you will be weaving with is pictured on the right. Picture 3 Below: Take the ribbon on the right hand side over the top of the fork and weave the ribbon in and out.

Picture 4 Below: Then, do the same thing again on the left hand side of the fork, weaving the ribbon in and out, coming the opposite direction. Picture 5 Below: Now, finish weaving in and out until you almost reach the top of the fork. Picture 7 Below: Now, tie it tight! DIY Mother's Day Corsage: Felt Dahlia Flower Brooch - Holidays N.