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Allwyn Macdivine is an entrepreneur, Broadcaster, Creative Technologist and tech writer.

Brightcove Alternative: Why Vplayed is a Better Video Platform? “One size fits all is so passé.

Brightcove Alternative: Why Vplayed is a Better Video Platform?

Flexible solutions that fit your business vision and strategy are where the spotlight is.” Brightcove has evolved to be a sophisticated online video platform in the market that supports entertainment, marketing, and enterprise spaces. But when it acquired Ooyala’s OVP technology in February 2019, the immediate aim was to “grow the global workforce, accelerate delivery and support for all customers”. So it is obvious that Brightcove faces serious competition from greenhorn alternatives.

5 Brightcove Alternatives You Should Switch To In 2020. Here we've reviewed the best brightcove alternatives & competitors which will be very helpful for video content owners to make the right decision.

5 Brightcove Alternatives You Should Switch To In 2020

As per Statista, the number of digital video viewers are likely to surpass 2.51 billion by 2020. In today’s digital world, video streaming has become a primary way to entertain and engage. With the user penetration expected to hit 16.9% by 2024, streaming platform providers are gearing to capitalize on an increased market share. But before you compare the various video streaming platforms on the market, narrow down what you want to achieve. In essence choose the platform that can provide the highest benefits for your business. Brightcove is a cloud-based platform that allows publishers and broadcasters to upload, manage and monetize video content in the SaaS model. How To Broadcast Live Simultaneously Over Multiple Platforms. Do you think you can choose the best because a blogger tells you how?

How To Broadcast Live Simultaneously Over Multiple Platforms

You should know better than that! Choices in life are not as easy as black or white. So how about not having to choose one and chuck the other? At least with streaming videos, you can broadcast simultaneously to multiple platforms. Simulcasting. 5 Live Audio Streaming Software For Podcasters. A podcast is an audio show, which can be downloaded from the Internet as a series of episodes or a standalone show that can be streamed over a PC, smartphone/tablet.

5 Live Audio Streaming Software For Podcasters

When it started out, live podcast streaming was reserved for the technologically-advanced production houses. But it has evolved over time, to be an independent content creator’s voice to give out a message and build a community of people with similar interests. Businesses realize that podcasts are a powerful marketing tool and are scaling up the use of podcasts to improve their prospects. With the increased penetration of smartphones, the trend shows explosive growth in live music streaming. As an Alternative to Video - Shooting engaging and quality videos need to tick many boxes including expensive equipment for audio, visuals and light. Well, now that you why podcasting is good for your business, let us tell you how to do it best!

1.Vplayed - Enterprise Podcast Streaming Solution. The Future of Live Streaming: Top 7 Trends That Will Dominate the Businesses in 2020. As the year was unlocked before a couple of weeks, the experts of the world contemplated what could be this year is meant for.

The Future of Live Streaming: Top 7 Trends That Will Dominate the Businesses in 2020

The next big thing was emerged in mid of the later years, “Live streaming” is going to be the next-level technology and lucrative business. On predicting the life of live streaming trend is highly sought-after technology that is going to take off the entire video content business. On narrowing down, It all started a few years back where the engagement has been the point of a business goal. How to Create a Live Streaming Website like Twitch.TV - My Business Guest Post. How to Build a Live Video Streaming Website like Twitch.TV?

How to Create a Live Streaming Website like Twitch.TV - My Business Guest Post

Gary Vaynerchuk, American entrepreneur and social media influencer, was one of the first to realize the potential of live streaming to build his brand on the internet. Over the years, marketers and brands are recognizing the power of unedited and interactive communication tools like live streaming. 82% of people surveyed prefer to watch a live stream than read a post on social media. (As per Livestream) Why Live Streaming is good? Video streaming is effective for product and services promotions, announcements, online classes, religious services, and live linear broadcasting. By engaging in real-time there is a higher potential to reach out to a wider audience potential.Repurpose live streams recorded in high-quality. Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Live Streaming in 2020 - Nature Torch.

Image by Stefan Coders from Pixabay The growth of live streaming is driven by the unparalleled level of interaction and engagement that it offers.

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use Live Streaming in 2020 - Nature Torch

This makes it a popular choice for niche areas like education, marketing, movies and much more. As per a popular survey, 82% of people prefer to watch a live stream over reading a post on social media because it brings viewers up-to-date, informative and accessible content. Live video broadcasting over the internet, has changed the way people and brands all over the globe communicate. Some of the factors that have contributed to online video streaming include internet penetration, developments in mobile technology, and the expanding influence of social media.

If you are thinking “why live streaming?” 1. Customers usually relate trustworthiness with quality and great service. It is challenging for brands because they need to show their “human” side which means that the personality of a brand needs to be in tune with its customers. 2.