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EPS Anglais

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Warm up - Une séquence sport et langues (partie 1) Playground fun. EPS en anglais. Circonscription de Grand-Quevilly - Anglais et EPS au cycle 2. RESUME de l’animation du 27 mars 2012, élaborée par S.Loisel, A.

Circonscription de Grand-Quevilly - Anglais et EPS au cycle 2

Kerlogot et V. Fieffé Textes officiels : BO du 30 août 2007 Cadre Commun de référence pour les langues Beaucoup de chansons et comptines se prêtent à une mise en route dynamique de la séance. Ouvrages : Super Songs, Oxford University Press Tiny Talk songbook, Carolyn GRAHAM, Oxford University Press Nombre d’ouvrages existent dans le commerce reprend les comptines traditionnelles "Nursery rhymes" Chants présentés : UP-DOWN / Two little eyes / Stand up sit down / Wash your face / Two clean hands / This is the way / If you’re happy and you know it / Clap your hands Chant mise en route : UP, DOWN A. Walk – run – turn around – jump – stop – stand up – sit down – crouch down B.

Jump into a hoop / a blue hoop …. C. A partir du poster [ Magnard – Hop in] ou des cartes : Donner des consignes en anglais, les élèves doivent faire les mouvements qui leur sont indiqués. JEUX du patrimoine, cour de récréation et fêtes d’enfants Hot Potato The bomb 2. Anglais et EPS. Contexte local Dans la commune, les classes de cycle 3 ont des effectifs souvent élevés (en moyenne 30-32 élèves).

Anglais et EPS

Afin que tous les élèves bénéficient d'un temps d'expression orale suffisant, il est important de trouver une organisation qui favorise cet apprentissage. Animation circo Valence mars 2012 : EPS et LVE - CIRCONSCRIPTION DE VALENCE D'AGEN. Conkers - How to play this Traditional Game. During the months of September and October, a favourite playground game is conkers.

Conkers - How to play this Traditional Game

It is a game which has been played every autumn for generations but nowadays fewer children are playing it. We hope to revive this British custom by telling you more about it. Children playing the game of conkers Did you know? ...... On finding your first conker of the season, you should say: " Oddly oddly onker my first conker". The game of conkers is known as 'Kingers' in some parts of the world. A conker is the seed of the horse chestnut tree (not the sweet chestnut tree where we get edible chestnuts from). Conkers It is a hard brown nut which is found in a prickly casing. Conkers, not yet ready, on a horse chestnut tree The green outer casing of the seed will turn brown and crack open revealing the conkers inside. Seed pod split revealing conkers inside They fall from the tree when they are ripe during the autumn months.

Each seed pod can house many conkers. Each player has a conker hanging on its string. Playground games in England. We play this game with a really long piece of elastic, about 2cm wide and 3 metres in length.

Playground games in England

We tie the ends of the elastic together to make a loop. Two children stand inside the loop so they are stretching it relatively taut around their ankles. A third person performs a series of hops and jumps, chanting appropriate rhymes. When finished, the height of the elastic is raised to knees, then thighs, then waist. Start with left foot inside the elastic loop and right foot just outside. Here is one of the rhymes we say: 'Chocolate cake, when you bake, How many minutes will you take? On ONE: jump up and land with left foot outside the elastic loop and your right foot inside. If the current player fails to execute the correct jump their turn is over and play passes to one of the people inside the circle of elastic, who then tries to out do the previous player. Here are more of the rhymes we use: 'England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales Inside, outside, inside, on!

' EPS et Langue Vivante Etrangère - Circonscription Montauban Sud. England Netball. High 5 is the massively popular entry game of netball.

England Netball

It’s a great way for kids to get active, enjoy themselves and make new friends. It’s designed specifically for children, aged 9-11, and uses fun and variety to get them into the game, polish skills and aid fitness. With 5 players on court, and up to four off-court roles, High 5 enables you to engage more kids, more of the time. Off-court players take on roles such as time keeping and scoring. High 5 can be for mixed or single-sex teams with a maximum of two boys on court at any one time.

*Coming soon – new High 5 Festival Guide with FREE downloadable resources and School Games Primary Challenge Cards and video guides!  EPS 37 : EPS et LV. Afin de faire découvrir et pratiquer le NETBALL aux élèves de CM (plutôt CM2) quelques documents, expérimentés dans la classe de Sophie GUENOT, sont à votre disposition :

 EPS 37 : EPS et LV