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22 Beautiful Uses For Vaseline. 10 homemade natural beauty and spa treatments found right in your kitchen. 10 homemade natural beauty and spa treatments found right in your kitchen BY JANUARY THOMAS For Sun-Times Media Reprints Forever searching for the Fountain of Youth, many people may find themselves spending hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on beauty products, salons and spa treatments each year hoping to achieve the latest and greatest skin, hair and body.

You'd be amazed to find many natural and low-cost ingredients found right in your kitchen cupboard that produces amazing results and often work better than the expensive brands. Refrigerator of Youth, anyone? Brown Sugar Lemony Body ScrubThis particular scrub has lemon, which works as a natural disinfectant. Milk Foot SoakAdd 4 cups of warmed whole milk, 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt and 6 drops of your favorite essential oil such as lemon, sandalwood or lavender to warm footbath. Invigorating Coffee ScrubCoffee contains Magnesium and Vitamin E. Strawberry Bleach MaskCelebrities, such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, swear by this. Make your OWN eyeshadow primer! I have been using Urban Decay Primer Potion for years.

I love the stuff. It is awesome. The problem is when I go to Sephora to get it, I get lost in a sea of sparkling new glosses and shadows and treasures I NEED to try, suddenly eyeshadow primer doesn’t seem very exciting. I start trying to rationalize. “I don’t REALLY need primer right? Together we set out to make our own! After much trial and error we finally found a potion that WORKS! Admittedly, Urban Decay is still the best, but as you can see, the difference is minimal. Get a clean container. Recipe/Formula (you can double or triple this based on the size of your container) 1/2 Teaspoon All Natural Chapstick 1 Teaspoon Cornstarch 1 1/2 Teaspoon Liquid Foundation (whatever you have on hand) Run the chapstick under warm water for a minute before you add it so it mixes easier. And you should look like this: Hallelujah! The 29 Hardest Ab Exercises Slideshow. Travis McCoy/ Overview Think you’re hardcore -- or that you have a hard core?

Prove it! These 41 midsection-mangling moves are some of the most advanced on the planet. They’ll help strengthen your torso from a variety of angles and in a variety of ways so you’ll be ready for all the movements initiated by your core -- which is just about every move you make! 1. Banana Roll Don’t let this one fool you: It may look and sound a little silly, but it’s hard work. The Science of Amazing Abs 2. While this exercise doesn't target your abs, per se, it does target other core muscles like the glutes and hips. 20 Best Muscle-Building Foods 3.

No list of advanced core moves would be complete without an example from the “300” workout. The 15 Toughest Do-Anywhere Workout Moves 4. Holding a plank -- especially on your forearms -- is probably a piece of cake by now. Sign Up to Receive the FREE Weekly Newsletter! 5. The Cardio Abs Workout 6. How to Stay Motivated to Get Six-Pack Abs. Out of the ordinary Beauty Tips that work. Use toothpaste on yellow nails. This usually happens when you let nail polish stay on your nails for very long and when you’ve used cheap nail polish. Whiten them all up by rubbing toothpaste to remove the stains. You can also add a few drops of lemon for extra whitening, it’s a natural bleaching agent. See other uses of lemon with this POST. Use suntan oil to treat damaged hair. Here’s another use for that coconut suntan oil you love so much. If your tresses have been damaged from over styling or coloring, you can use this oil to treat it.

Treat burns with milk. Powder Your Roots If by any chance you have no chance to jump into the shower and you need to look your best. Cure Calluses with Vaseline or petroleum jelly It’s very unsightly to see hard calluses on your feet especially when you’ve been wearing closed shoes for a long time. Spot-Treat Smudges I find cotton tips very usual for this. Super-Glue a Nail Yikes! Use Toothpaste on a Zit Use just a pea-size amount.

How To Style Maiden Braids. Last month I did a makeover story with Kelsie and had many requests for a maiden braid tutorial. Yesterday she came in and we photographed these simple step by steps. Kelsie has extremely long and thick hair, but anyone with shoulder length or longer can do these braids (see my photo below for an example). Steps 1-2: Braid two strands on each side of a center part. Steps 3-5: Wrap braids around the crown of your head and pin in place with one pin each. Step 6: Arrange braids so that they cover the front of your head like a headband. Steps 7-8: Pull the rest of the hair into a ponytail and pin it into a cute messy bun. Step 9: Add final pins and spray. How to: pore strips.

The Look - 6 secrets I learned at makeup artist school. Total-beauty TODAY Style TODAY Jan. 12, 2012 at 9:50 AM ET / By Sharon Yi, You could say that I have a love/hate relationship with makeup. Some days I enjoy playing with all the different colors and get excited when my smoky eye turns out perfectly. But then there are those days when my liner refuses to go on straight, my bronzer makes me look like an Asian Snookie, or my lashes refuse to curl. I had one of those days last week, and after walking into work wearing two very different winged tips on my eyes, my editor assigned me a new story: Go to makeup school and write about it. Want to see the best techniques I picked up without spending the thousands of dollars (and crazy amount of time) it takes to go to makeup school yourself?

Lesson No. 1: Spend some bucks on your tools At Napoleon Perdis' Makeup Academy in Hollywood, Rebecca Prior, NP's National Educator, begins the first lesson by introducing us to our tools. Here are the eight basic brushes you need: 1. What Sun Damage Looks Like. Dermatologists, beauty editors and moms everywhere can tell you to wear sunscreen until they turn, well, red in the face. It’s up to you to make the real effort. But in much the same way those gruesome anti-smoking campaigns can persuade you to ditch the Marlboros for good, this extreme example of what the sun’s rays are truly capable of might inspire even the most negligent of sun worshippers to don SPF 1000 immediately. SHOP: SPF 30 Proven to Work (From Our Sister Site BeautySage!) Behold, the unfortunate case of a 69-year-old truck driver who spent the better part of 30 years on the big rig.

As anyone who’s ever gotten a gnarly sunburn on one arm can attest, the left side of our body—the one exposed to the sun when driving—is particularly vulnerable to UV rays. Still, we can only imagine Northwestern University researchers Joaquin C. QUIZ: See How Healthy Your Body Skin Is "For a dermatologist, this image is like the best Christmas present ever! " MORE: Your Guide to Your Best Skin. Follow the Trend With Colorblocked Nails! Why not try it out on your nails instead? You can keep it simple within the same color family or go bold and crazy—whatever suits your mood! Step 1: Get Your Supplies Together To start, make sure you have all of your supplies handy.

For this manicure, you will need three different nail polishes (make sure that at least two of them are thick enough that they can cover the base color), Scotch tape, and a fast-dry topcoat like Seche Vite. Step 2: Paint a Base Color Start with your favorite basecoat and paint your nails the base color. Step 3: Start Taping Next, pull off a small piece of Scotch tape (you won’t need more than an inch at a time) and put it against your hand and pull it off several times until most of the stickiness is gone.

Once your base layer is dry, it’s time to start the colorblocking. Step 4: Apply the Second Color Carefully paint your nail so the exposed part is your second color and make sure to paint over the tape so you have clean lines. Step 6: Marvel at Your Work. & Vitamin HB | DIY Cellulite-Fighting Massage Oil! & huda beauty. Vitamin HB | DIY Cellulite-Fighting Massage Oil! Mon, 25 Jun 2012 By Huda Heidi Kattan Cellulite SUCKS!! Even the thinnest girls have it, if you don’t have a dimple somewhere in your body, then your blessed!

Ingredients 1/4 cup sweet almond oil (warm) 2 tablespoons instant coffee In a bottle, mix both ingredients together.