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Your Daily Life in GIFs (4.2.12) When you see your ex at a party: When your boss catches you not doing your work: When you are crossing the street and someone honks at you to hurry up: When you were a kid and got to go to the playground: When you find a friend you can act stupid with: When you see a girl with a nice butt wearing yoga pants: When someone starts gossiping about someone you hate: When your girlfriend randomly asks you if you want to have sex: When someone starts talking about politics: When you go out to a fancy dinner and get the bill: When the phone rings while you’re on the toilet: When a cute person calls you cute: When you get home from a long day: When you work retail and have to listen to the store’s music all day: When your really innocent friend says something sexual: When you step to get around someone, but they step in the same direction: When someone gets an A and they “didn’t even study”:

Your Daily Life in GIFs (4.2.12)

IgIoflJLECeP8.gif (GIF Image, 426x240 pixels) IbU2hI6cPfjxA.gif 250×188 pixels. Your Daily Life in GIFs (4.16.12. It’s time once again to take another look in the animated mirror!

Your Daily Life in GIFs (4.16.12

Special thanks to Jonotron for submitting this first one. When everyone laughs at a joke you don’t get: When someone offers a witty insight: When someone says you can have a bite of their food: When people you don’t know tell you their problems: When you’re feeling crummy and someone tries to get you to hang out with them: When someone tells a dirty joke: When you accidentally walk in on someone who is naked: When friends talk about something you weren’t invited to: When the teacher says you can’t write the essay the day before it’s due: When you get a great new hair cut and can’t stop looking at it: When you come home after hours without being on the computer: When you come home drunk: When you really like the song, but don’t know the lyrics yet: When it’s your birthday and you sit back to watch the notes roll in on Facebook: When you were little and your mom brushed your hair: most of these come from here, here, here and here.

25 Epic Fail GIFs - StumbleUpon. Funny Photos by Puddlestomper.gif (GIF Image, 320 × 180 pixels) Reddit, the land of Filth and Humor. Like millions of others around the world, I have to visit Reddit every day to see whats going on in the world. For an entire 2 minutes I check out the news, and then for the rest of the day I look at their funny pictures on r/funny. Ah, the laughs I've had, the tears I've shed and the dirty looks I have gotten from my coworkers. Here are some of the best images on Reddit now.

This time, I will put the captions above the image where a caption is necessary. How I felt after getting internet back after 4 days without ... The shit you run across on Google street views ... Love ... That's not the way that I remember it ... Left the kids alone for 2 minutes, came back to this ... Round Three: Your Daily Life in GIFs (26 GIFs. These animated GIFs are like looking into the mirror of your daily life.

Round Three: Your Daily Life in GIFs (26 GIFs

When you see someone do math without a calculator: When you accidentally email something before you’re finished: Nothing to see here, move along! picture, in album: Another 50+ Animated Gifs. 20 More GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations. I’m sure you guys can identify with a lot of these.

20 More GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations

This first one is especially timely… The night before the first day of school: When someone wakes you up: When the smart kid fails the test: When you need to use the bathroom and people are in your way: When you hear people next to you say, “Don’t tell anyone…”