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Lightness Demonstrations. Blog ★ Text-to-Freemind released! Monday, October 1, 2007 ★ 09:22 ★ Category Programming I’m happy to announce the first (and perhaps even last) version of text-to-freemind, a simple text to FreeMind conversion program, licensed under the GPL.

Blog ★ Text-to-Freemind released!

This program converts tab-indented text files into an XML format suitable for display by FreeMind. It was written out of annoyance with the FreeMind user interface, and the lack of ‘merging’ capabilities when collaborating with other people. Input like this (indentation should be done using tabs)... 11 12 gratis mindmaptools - Bibliotheek 2.0 (Jeroen van Beijnen) Ik heb al eens eerder geschreven over hoe je als informatiespecialist gebruik zou kunnen maken van mindmaps.

11 12 gratis mindmaptools - Bibliotheek 2.0 (Jeroen van Beijnen)

Via het weblog iLibrarian, kwam ik een leuk overzicht teven van 11 gratis mindmapping tools.Dit lijstje wilde ik jullie niet onthouden. 1. Freemind (Installeren / webbased Windows / OSX / Linux)2. (Installeren / webbased Windows / OSX / Linux)3.