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Facebook Twitter Shock collars. Is It Really Just a Tap? Shock Collar Training Explained. Holding down the button on a shock collar remote Shock collar trainers have several names for the shocks that they administer through the collar. A tap. A stim. A nick. A page. Static. Application of pressure.

Even the word “shock,” although it has much more negative connotations (which is why shock collar trainers usually don’t use the word), sounds like something brief. What many people don’t realize is that in many types of shock collar training, the electric shock is on for much longer periods. Here is what that training can look like. This method uses what is called negative reinforcement. Science tells us there are two ways to get repeated behavior. So when the shock collar trainers say that the shock doesn’t hurt–that’s not true. It’s true that after the initial stages of training, the shocks can be shorter and at a lower level. It is even possible to manipulate collars so the dog doesn’t know which collar delivers a shock. That is how you train behaviors with a shock collar.

Good News For Pets | Vets on Behavior Proclaim, Never Use Shock Collar. Home | Steve Dale | Vets on Behavior Proclaim, Never Use Shock Collar Steve Dale Orlando, FL. Never, under any circumstances, choose a dog trainer who uses an electronic collar (shock collar). "You wouldn't send your kid off to a school where they use shock," says veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Overall. "So, why would you send your dog there? " After falling out of favor, the electronic collars are making a comeback. Overall and Seksel led a group of 23 veterinarians participating in the North American Veterinary Conference Post Graduate Institute in Advanced Clinical Behavioral Medicine, May 23 through 29, in Orlando, FL. The document is based on science, and supports trainers who use praise and reward rather than punishment.

Overall, a researcher in the psychiatry department at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, agrees, "I've seen so many animals damaged by shock. Dr. Choke, prong and shock collars can cause disease and possibly lead to cancer Dr. Dobias Healing Solutions. By Dr. Peter Dobias, DVM Why can collars cause hypothyroidism and other health problems Learn about better alternatives. Before you start reading the following lines, I invite you to do a little test.

Open your hands with your thumbs touching each other. Place the thumbs at the base of the throat and with the fingers pointing back and surrounding the neck. Now, take a deep breath, squeeze and pull back with all your force keeping your thumbs connected. This is how many dogs feel when they are on the leash and they are pulling. If you are still keen to continue with this experiment, put a choke chain around your neck, attach it to a leash and ask a friend to pull and jerk on it periodically.

No, I will not make you go on with this experiment and ask you to test a prong collar or electric shock collar. My plan here is to share with you why I believe that collar injuries make dogs sick and what the alternatives are 1. “Thank you, that would be great, I would love that,” the man replied. 2. 3. Never Shock a Puppy. 4 Paws University - Shock Collar Training. "I'm so frustrated, I'm ready to just go out and buy a shock collar! " Over the years, I have been contacted by many dog owners who, desperate to address their dog's training or behavior issues, are willing to do almost anything to stop it.

Of course, they don't want to use shock on their dog, but in the back of their mind they think that if nothing else works, a shock collar is the ultimate solution. At least 25% of the dog owners I work with have tried a shock collar before contacting me for help. These include remote training collars, bark collars and "invisible" fencing systems. Many of those have done so at the direction of another trainer. What they found was that the behaviors either didn't change or, in many cases, got worse. All training and behavior modification, regardless of the equipment used, requires the owner or trainer to have sufficient skill, timing, and commitment to be effective. Here's a test: Purchase a clicker and sit with your dog in a quiet room. Training your dog with a prong collar (or shock collar, shake can, alpha roll) is not positive.

Training Your Dog with a Shock Collar: How Will You Decide? Many trainers who use, promote, and/or sell shock collars like to bring up dire warnings of what will happen if you don't use them to teach your dog to stay away from snakes. On first examination, the snake thing seems possibly like an OK idea. If there were one time it might be OK to hurt your dog a little bit, it would be to teach him to stay away from something you don't have control over that might kill him, right? If only it were so simple. First of all, if your goal is to get your dog to see a snake and run the other way immediately, you are probably going to have to do something very harsh to get that effect.

A low setting of a shock collar is not going to do it. OK, let's say you got through that. But hang on, maybe the snake didn't bite him. I'm doing my best to tell the whole truth in this piece so yes, it could possibly work. There is now a business in Tucson, AZ where dogs are taught with positive reinforcement (no shock) to notice and and avoid snakes. Ogmore illegal shock collar dog owner gets £2,000 fine. 18 July 2011Last updated at 13:34 Phillip Pook's dog was brought to the hearing before Bridgend magistrates in April A dog owner has been fined £2,000 after becoming the first to be prosecuted in Britain for using an illegal electric shock collar.

Wales banned the devices last year. Phillip Pook, 48, from Ogmore-by-Sea, Vale of Glamorgan, admitted using the collar, to stop his border collie jumping over a wall. But he had denied he had been warned the collar was illegal. It was discovered on his dog, found roaming on a beach in December 2010. Pook was also ordered to pay £1,000 in costs, when he was sentenced. He used the collar to try to stop the collie jumping over a high wall surrounding his property, Bridgend magistrates heard. The court was told the collar emitted its electric shock when the dog wearing it went near a specific fence.

They also heard that the dog, which kept escaping, was known at a local kennels as "the dog with the shock collar". 'Outdated and unsuitable' 'Ineffective' Reports/Alerts. Vetsonline, July 25/13 The Kennel Club (KC) is urging the Government to ban electric shock collars for dogs after two different research studies found "conclusive proof" they could actually cause more behavioural problems than they solve. The Kennel Club has long been campaigning for a ban on collars, and has successfully achieved one in Wales.According to the KC, a study funded by Defra found dogs treated with an electric shock collar displayed negative behavioural and physiological changes in comparison to a non-electric shock collar control group.

It also, said the club, "provided evidence that some owners even failed to consult the accompanying instruction manual before using the device on their dogs". For full article click here start of page Companion Animal Psychology Wednesday, 19 June 2013 Excerpt… Something puzzles me about the arguments made by shock collar advocates. Shock collars (including invisible fences) are already banned in many countries because of welfare concerns.

Mr. The Shocking Truth – How The Marketing of Shock Collars Misleads Pet Dog Owners | DogNostics eLearning & Business Coaching. When we consider modern dog training methods, there are three areas which should be considered: the effect on the dog’s physical well-being, the impact on the dog’s mental health, and the ethics of using shock on an animal that must depend upon and trust us to fulfill its needs. The use of a shock collar is detrimental to the animal on all three levels. Shock collars are marketed to pet owners and trainers for specific purposes including: “training” for obedience, recall, and hunting. Shock collars are also used for containment (electronic fences) both inside and outside, and to correct “problematic behavior such as barking as seen in the use of “bark-collars.” Due to the physical and psychological problems resulting from the use of shock collars, they cannot be recommended for any of these applications.

How They Work! Mechanically, a shock collar is designed to deliver varying levels of electrical shock to a dog. “In the collars, there are two terminals that contact the animal’s skin. Radio interview by Nando Brown - topics: Pet Professional Guild and Shock Collars/Aversives. Pour ou contre l’utilisation du collier étrangleur? - Daubigny. Dog Fences: Invisible vs. Visible « Ahimsa Dog Blog. I’ve been asked by dog training clients several times about my opinion on the Invisible Fence. The short answer is that I really, really don’t like shock fencing; I think it’s inhumane. Watch the video below, which shows several humans wearing a shock collar, for an indication of what it might be like for a dog to wear a shock collar.

Invisible Fence is one brand of shock collar fencing; “invisible” is a euphemism for pet containment systems that use electronic shock that humans can’t see but dogs can feel. Other brands are Petsafe, Dogtra, and SportDOG. Some systems have wires underground, some are wireless. I have only a few personal experiences with the brand “Invisible Fence,” so I’ll mostly comment on the product of invisible electric shock fencing in general, not the actual brand, except where I do have experience. Electric fencing, of the visible sort, is used to contain horses and cows, where I came from (Northwest Idaho). So why do I think shock collar fences are inhumane? Collier électrique, à pointes… les études scientifiques. Electronic Collars vs Traditional Leashes for Exercising Dogs on Town Streets—a Cause of Debate in One Small Town in Missouri | Victoria Stilwell Positively. By Sophia Yin, DVM, MS A reader, Donnie Rion of Carl Junction Missouri, recently emailed with the following dilemma, which will be debated in a town council meeting later this week.

The town I live in is looking to revise their leash law to allow dog owners to us electronic leashes to walk their dogs. Are they good enough to physically control dogs in all situations? One reason council is looking into this is that there are people here that have golf carts and they are complaining that is to hard for them to drive their golf carts and hold onto their dog leashes at the same time, so they want to be able to use electronic ones so they don't have to hold onto a leashes while the drive a golf cart. What People Think Happens When You Use an Electronic Collar When people think of electronic leashes, known more precisely as electronic shock collars, they imagine their dog trotting next to them in an unerring path as if held in place by an invisible force field.

Now Add the Golf Cart Issue. New findings on shock collars: why the UK wants to ban them. In the dog world, few subjects are as controversial as the debate on shock collars (electronic or e-collars). Advocates for their use claim that such devices don’t hurt but mostly emit an unpleasant vibration. They’re often the last resort for dogs with behavior drives that are difficult to control, like recall or chasing problems. Opponents to their use believe they can be harmful to dogs and should not be available to the public. They lead to abuse and don’t offer better results than reward based methods. With close to 500,000 dog owners in Britain using electronic collars and the Kennel Club campaigning for their ban across the country, DEFRA has allocated close to £538,925 ( $821,968 US) to study their impact on the dog’s welfare as well as their effectiveness in training.

There are close to 170 different models of shock collars with different functions controlled by a remote. Using shock collars on dogs may be effective in training or treating certain problematic behaviors.