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Normal newborn behaviour

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Cluster feeding

Post birth. Is baby getting enough. Coping. 4th trimester. Baby Poo. Sleepiness. Feeding cues. The Dangerous Game of the Feeding Interval Obsession - Emma Pickett breastfeeding support. The first time you breastfeed. - Emma Pickett breastfeeding support. Effective breastfeeding - it's not all about the latch. It was a new mum that first mentioned this to me, and as soon as she did it dawned on me that she was totally right.

Effective breastfeeding - it's not all about the latch

When supporting mums, lots of focus is on latch - because obviously the better the latch, often the less pain and the more effectively baby can feed; but all too often we meet a mum with a slow gaining baby who is always wanting to feed, or perhaps a mum with sore/cracked nipples sometimes resulting in a the shape of a lipstick! And then we hear "the midwife/health visitor has checked my latch and said it was fine... ". Really if I had a pound for everytime I heard it, I would be writing this blog from Mauritius. The Alpha Parent: Timeline of a Breastfed Baby. All babies reach milestones on their own developmental timeline.

The Alpha Parent: Timeline of a Breastfed Baby

A multitude of factors influence the rate of each baby’s individual growth such as genetics, form of delivery, gestation at delivery, medical issues, effectiveness of the placenta prior to delivery, and so on. However there is a persistent and understandable demand from first-time mothers for information on what is considered ‘the norm’. This is particularly so with breastfeeding, as understanding breastmilk intake is more complex than looking at the oz mark on a bottle.