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Heather Bullard. Heather Bullard. One of our favorite shops in Paris was the concept store Merci.

Heather Bullard

The idea or mission behind the shop was to give Thanks by providing a stunning place for customers to find unique, well made products and using the profits to benefit an endowment fund to help the poorest children in Madagascar. It's such a clever way to market charitable giving although we really shouldn't have to be seduced by wares in order to give. Come along and take a peek for yourself... In the courtyard you're greeted by the adorable red Merci car and a beautiful selection of faux bois outdoor furnishings and potted trees.

The displays indoors are spectacular! Downstairs was my favorite spot. And they had a rainbow of Pantone mugs in a multitude of hues. There are 3 floors to wander about with mens & womens clothing, housewares, books, apothecary and linens. Merci is located at:111 Boulevard Beaumarchais, Paris 75003The nearest Metro is Saint Sébastien-Froissart on Line 8.Open: Mon-Sat 10am to 7pm. Consejo. French Bull Collections. Scissors.paper.wok. Little Muna. Food. To know me is to know my love of coffee.


My entire morning routine is structured around brewing the perfect cup and drinking it before the busy-ness of the day begins. Hanging on the bulletin board above my computer screen is my mantra: “When in doubt, drink more coffee.” I’m not really addicted to caffeine, I’m more addicted to the routine of crafting an ideal cup of joe. If there were a caffeine-free drink I savored more, I would be consumed with making it. However, except for a glass of whole milk minutes after coming out of the cow or a Batida from Ceiba restaurant in downtown, D.C., there aren’t any other drinks that capture my attention so strongly. Why am I telling you all of this? When we wake up after a night’s sleep (or day’s sleep if you work the night shift), we go through the same steps every time. How many of the things you use during your morning routine, though, aren’t convenient to access? The Fun Cheap or Free Queen. Wedding Inspiration and Ideas, Wedding Trends and Photos at Inspired by This Wedding Blog.

10 alimentos que -imprescindiblemente- deberíamos consumir biológicos. 10 alimentos que -imprescindiblemente- deberíamos consumir biológicosDisfruta de una vida Bio La inversión en productos orgánicos a la larga resulta en un ahorro en medicamentos y en una mejora del bienestar, nuestro y el del planeta.

10 alimentos que -imprescindiblemente- deberíamos consumir biológicos

Los alimentos ecológicos cumplen las normas establecidas, que incluyen, entre otros requisitos, no proporcionar a los animales antibióticos ni hormonas de crecimiento. Mientras, los agricultores no pueden utilizar abonos químicos ni pesticidas. Estas toxinas pueden contaminar la comida y se transmiten a las personas cuando la consumen. DIY Bracelet Tutorials. Punto Rojo Libros - Publica tu libro. Mejoramos cualquier presupuesto publicado por la competencia.

Punto Rojo Libros - Publica tu libro

Si tienes un presupuesto de otra empresa mándanoslo. En igualdad de calidades sencillamente no tenemos rival en el precio. Cada libro es un mundo. Las tablas de tarifas mostradas en esta página son orientativas. Distintos ejemplares con distintas características, tales como un excesivo número de figuras o tablas, puede aumentar el precio de la maquetación. The Yvestown Blog. Patriotic Desserts - Martha Stewart. No Roll Sushi. Is it possible to bastardize the art of sushi making and get away with it?

No Roll Sushi

Okay so this is like some kind of sushi lasagna- I don’t know what to call this..sushi cake..sushi it whatever you want! It’s all about stacking ingredients horizontally without rolling anything (something I don’t like to do-not so great at rolling sushi though if I apply a lot of effort into it I can do it) Very easy summer dinner idea, and it is perfect for guests too. I flavor the ground tuna with sesame oil, mayo, hot sauce, and soy sauce. I never measure anything so just go with your gut and taste as you go.

Some toppings I like for this; this is a very versatile recipe, you can create your own version completely from scratch. These are actually soy wrappers, I didn’t want to use dried seaweed sheets for this because I don’t think it goes with the overall concept… I started out by cutting out a round circle to create to base. About FIMBY. FIMBY is a memoirist blog.


My name is Renee Tougas and FIMBY is where I write our family story, with a fountain pen. This is a blog about the Fun in My Back Yard. My mission for FIMBY is to encourage others to live their own healthy, adventurous and creative life - with beauty and intention. Especially mothers, homemakers and homeschoolers. I started blogging the fall of 2004 with no clear purpose or strong intentions except to keep in touch with family. Eight years later, looking back on thousands of posts and pictures, and tens of thousands of words written and published, FIMBY reads a little like a book. If FIMBY were a book, these might be the chapters.

Eight years, eight chapters. My life is a tapestry of diverse and colorful threads, many chapters and many stories.