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Bucket List Fulfillment. PHP Tutorial. HTML Tutorial. Live Now - Home. The List Queen. Community Bucket List » Project 51: Redesigning My Life Through Action Oriented Projects » Community Bucket List. Project 51 Yesterday I realized that there are 51 days left until my 24th birthday. In a self-love post, 51 Days To Make The Most Of Life, I talked about how I want to celebrate and live life amazingly every day, not just once a year on my birthday. And from this began Project 51. Starting yesterday, I’m initiating a series of Action oriented Lifestyle Design Bucket Lists in order to help me achieve the kind of lifestyle outlined in my Passion Chart.

I’m going to do each Lifestyle Design Project, daily, until my 24th birthday – August 28. The Self-Love Project Every day, for 51 days, up until my birthday, I’m going to actively work on cultivating self-love. You can read here about My Self-Love Journey. You can follow my progress in The Self-Love Project Here, where you can also subscribe to my mom’s group self-love blog to have our posts sent directly to your email. And you can find out more about The Self-Love Project on My Bucket List page. The Healthy Body Project Part 1 Water Drinking: Mighty Life List   Editing your Life List isn’t cheating, it’s growth. I know some people feel like their Life Lists are set in stone, and presumably those people are still saving for the tribal band tattoo they wanted when they were fifteen. Every year or so, I go through my Life List and make sure it still makes sense for me. A few of the ways I approach the editing process: 1. So I changed the goal to, “Learn French.” 2. 3.

I don’t want to clean out my apartment, I want to change my relationship to material things. 4. I also had “Write 365 thank you notes” on my list, because I wanted to get back into the practice of writing them. Anyway, I didn’t feel excited about it. 5. 6. Rad. But. No. Have you edited your list recently, or did you have it tattooed on your person? Bucket Lists and Positive Psychology. Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. - Henry David Thoreau I recently spoke with a writer about bucket lists. I had not previously thought much about the phrase, which apparently entered popular use in the wake of the 2007 movie by that name. I'm not wild about the phrase, which has achieved clichéd status, although I understand and can appreciate what it is trying to capture and convey. A bucket list enumerates things one wants to do before one dies (kicks the bucket).

I did a google search for "my bucket list. " The 2.5 million hits, some tiny number of which I read, provide some insight into what many people want to do in order to highlight their lives: travel and see the wonders of the world; have an adventure like white-water rafting; learn a foreign language; meet a celebrity; become rich; or accomplish something really demanding such as running a marathon. A likely answer: Many of them. Strategies and Psychology | The Bucket List Society.

Photo credits: mermaid99 on On the back of your list of life goals, write what you No. One side has the great stuff you’re going to do with your life, and the other has what you will stop doing. See, this is all about focus, and focus is about saying no. Think about that for a second. It’s true, isn’t it? And if you look on your life and the things you want to do and you ask yourself “Self, why haven’t I done any of these yet?” So where do you get all this time from? When Seth Godin– who runs the number one business blog in the world, has written more bestsellers than I have fingers, and responds to every e-mail he gets– is asked how he does it all, he says he doesn’t watch TV and he doesn’t go to meetings, so that’s already four to five hours more than most people have.

That’s some serious No right there! I think you need to say No, and say it hard. Therefore, No. No TV. You’re about to bust out complaining about how you have to go to meetings aren’t you? Your Bucket List. I would also love to visit Machu Pichu. And Petra looks awe-inspiring too. I'd love to travel round Australia and New Zealand. I'd love to travel round America too, as I've never been and it looks like there are some amazing and lovely places there I'd love to pack everything up into a huge camper and tour Europe with the children for a year or two or three...!

I want to live by the sea, somewhere where it is sunny more than cloudy. I'd love to live in an intentional community that is green/eco and vegetarian/vegan. I really really want to be as self-sufficient as possible. Learn to grow all my own food - enough for a large family. Learn to build and maintain a house. Learn to make my own materials - wood, cloth, pottery etc. Learn to make my own clothing - knitting, crochet, sewing etc. I think this will be a necessity in either mine or my children's lifetime though, so need to get onto this asap!

Of course, I need to read about a million books too. Oh, and would love to try ski-ing. The Bucket List Guy » psychology.