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EU Careers info. Jul 15 2016 New web site pages in 24 languages Looking for a job with the EU institutions or agencies?

EU Careers info

Search our database for opportunities. Information and news for candidates in a competition or selection procedure from 2016 is now available on the new dedicated pages. Comments on will gradually be disabled, and we invite you to check our frequently asked questions or to(…) May 23 2017 EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2015 transfer to EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2017 Registration to EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2015 was temporarily closed on 25.11.2016 due to maintenance reasons, the objective of which was to prepare the launch of EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2017 which would include better functionalities for the candidates. Mar 14 2017 Extension of the validity of our CAST databases We would like to inform candidates whose names feature in one of the following databases of eligible candidates that the validity of the database has been extended until 31/12/2017.

Jan 19 2017. Is Your Facebook Personal Timeline Optimized for Networking? Entrepreneurs and business owners dedicate a significant amount of time nurturing existing connections and networking with potential new clients.

Is Your Facebook Personal Timeline Optimized for Networking?

Understanding the importance of first impressions, entrepreneurs spend time and money on a creating a professional wardrobe, developing quality printed marketing materials, and maintaining a stellar business Facebook page. But what does your personal Facebook Timeline say about you and your business? There are three sections that every entrepreneur should update to optimize their personal Facebook Timeline. 1. Work & Education Located within the About section of a personal Facebook Timeline, the Work & Education section allows Facebook users to include a link to their Facebook page, as well as details including position, location, description, and time period. 2. The Contact Us section, which is located within the About section, allows Facebook users the opportunity to include business contact information on their personal Facebook Timeline. Belgiancowboys. Voor de interactieve versie van bovenstaande infografiek klik je best even door naar The Wall Street Journal.


Zij vroegen aan een security expert hoe je nu best de verschillende privacy opties instelt die Facebook ons aanbiedt, maar echter maar weinig mensen echt gebruiken of zelfs maar het fijne van weten. Het is dus best wel zinvol voor iedereen om er eens door te lopen en te kijken waar je zelf nog je Facebook settings beter kan instellen. Of waar je misschien merkt dat je profiel toch publieker ingesteld is dan je tot voor kort zelf dacht. Laat het ons alvast weten in de comments als je aanpassingen hebt gemaakt op basis van deze grafiek, daar zijn we wel benieuwd naar. Redactie Belgiës populairste weblog over interactieve marketing, social media, gadgets, technologie en nog veel meer. More Posts - Website Follow Me: Facebook unveils improvements to Timeline. So last week we had an update to the Facebook newsfeed and today Facebook has announced it is rolling out improvements to the timeline to help people better express what’s important to them.

Facebook unveils improvements to Timeline

The changes, which will be rolled out to all users in the coming week, will usher in a cleaner timeline layout with posts nowing appearing on the right hand side of timeline, and recent activity, such as music, photos and other apps, will appear on the left. As for apps the update makes these more prominent by giving them new sections in the left column of timeline and on the About page. The new visual sections give Facebook users a way to add content from apps like Pinterest, Quora, Instagram, Etsy, Fab, and Foursquare, directly to a their timeline. Redesigned sections give users one place to add music, movies, TV shows and books that interest them, alongside photos and friends. SimpleWash, the Easiest Way to Clean Up Your Facebook Page. Paying the piper for privacy. Three privacy stories caught my attention in the past week: 1.

Paying the piper for privacy

Google is paying a token $7 million fine for sniffing out private information as its roving Google Maps cars gathered images for Street View. 2. A new study has found that seemingly innocent disclosures on Facebook can be used to form highly accurate predictions about whether you are a genius, drug user or gay. 3. Is all of that what we signed up for? Privacy is a huge issue — too huge for a single, brief column. Beyond the Faceless Business: Getting Your LinkedIn Profile Right. We check out the profiles of businesses we consider working with all the time, regardless of the platform or source.

Beyond the Faceless Business: Getting Your LinkedIn Profile Right

More importantly, we look at the profiles of the people that provide a human face to the business.The people that ARE the business, together with the human ecosystem in which the organization operates. On LinkedIn, most people first of all check out individual LinkedIn profiles. Those of representatives and individual voices of brands, potential vendors, customers and partners. In the end, connecting and community by finding persons of interest and sharing commonalities is still the essence of social, whather it’s marketing or social business.

Obviously, to enable this kind of networking, connecting and community work, you need to be found and participate in the first place. A complete LinkedIn profile is around 40 percent more likely to get attention than an incomplete profile. LinkedIn profiles and the roots of community and interaction A. B. C.