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Wearable Technology Database. Oculus Rift 頭戴顯示器最新原型新增位移追蹤、OLED 螢幕還減輕了動態模糊(主站動手玩) 文章分類: 顯示螢幕, 穿載相關 在 Oculus Rift 的初步成功後,這個頭戴式顯示器的廠商打算對即將於 2014 降臨的市售版本再做出改進,將原本的 LED 規格改為 OLED 版本,並且加入外置的相機鏡頭,配合眼鏡上的白色標記定位點提供支援追蹤位移的功能,甚至還解決了之前版本的動態模糊與一些小問題。

Oculus Rift 頭戴顯示器最新原型新增位移追蹤、OLED 螢幕還減輕了動態模糊(主站動手玩)

主站編輯在這次 CES 2014 也找到機會直接試試這個代號為 Crystal Cove 的最新 Oculus Rift 頭戴顯示器原型,跳轉以後一起瞧瞧他們最新作品的表現吧。 主站編輯直接跳進了 EVE Valkyrie 的飛機遊戲當中體驗飛行,基本上戰機裡的儀表都能清楚讀取沒有什麼問題(這也是之前的問題之一,文字容易模糊),啟動推進器進行了一場空戰之後, Oculus VR 的 Aaron Davies 請我們暫停遊戲,想要展示一下他們最新的功能「Low persistence」。 接著他請我們戴回顯示器並且左右擺頭,此時便變得幾乎無法讀取畫面前的模糊文字,接著他又將選項啟動,此時剛剛所經歷的動態模糊狀況便完全散去。 必須說,這與我們第一次試用的 Kickstarter dev kit 版本真的相差頗大,加上前述的位置追蹤等新功能,這讓新版的 Oculus Rift Crystal Cove 可用度高非常多。

來到頭部追蹤的部分,原本的 Oculus Rift 便已經支援基本的動態感應,但這次則是加進了相機追蹤的位置感應,這使得遊戲中的沉浸度更上層樓。 由於改為 OLED 面板的關係,Crystal Cove 頭戴式顯示器原型實際觀賞起來相較前代要來的更清晰,30 毫秒的延遲時間,也相較前代改善了一倍,觀賞體驗分數提升不少 -- 看到這相信許多開發者已經忍不住想問,何時能夠入手這個版本的 Oculus Rift Crystal Cove。 引用來源:Engadget Tags: ces2014, crystalcove, hands-on, hdpostcross, oculusrift, oculusvr. Pebble 帶來金屬版的新款智慧手錶 Steel,質感看過去更出色(影片) 文章分類: 穿載相關 Pebble 算是獲得了初步的成功,在去年差不多出貨了 30 萬隻智慧手錶,並且計畫打造自己的應用商店。

Pebble 帶來金屬版的新款智慧手錶 Steel,質感看過去更出色(影片)

今年的 CES,Pebble 又帶來了 Pebble Steel。 Nymi 手鐲利用心跳來解數位鎖,並能進行手勢控制(影片) Katia Cánepa Vega. Lumo Back is a life changing posture and activity sensor. ‘Cool’ invention wins first place at MADMEC. Heating or cooling certain parts of your body — such as applying a warm towel to your forehead if you feel chilly — can help maintain your perceived thermal comfort.

‘Cool’ invention wins first place at MADMEC

Using that concept, four MIT engineering students developed a thermoelectric bracelet that monitors air and skin temperature, and sends tailored pulses of hot or cold waveforms to the wrist to help maintain thermal comfort. For this invention, the team, called Wristify, took home the $10,000 first prize at this year’s MADMEC, MIT’s annual materials-science design competition, held Tuesday afternoon. The product is now a working prototype. And although people would use the device for personal comfort, the team says the ultimate aim is to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, by cooling and heating the individual — not the building. “Buildings right now use an incredible amount of energy just in space heating and cooling.

After the competition, some teams may further develop their products, or even take them to market. Wristify. The Open Hand Project: A Low Cost Robotic Hand. The Open Hand Project is an open source project with the goal of making robotic prosthetic hands more accessible to amputees. The Dextrus hand is the realization of this goal, it's a robotic hand that can be put together for well under £650 ($1000) and offers much of the functionality of a human hand.

The Dextrus hand is for anyone who wants an advanced robotic hand. This could be an amputee who wants a little more than a metal hook, a researcher who's looking into control systems for telepresence robots or perhaps a hobbyist who is making a humanoid robot. Chef Liam Corbett lost his hand to meningitis two years ago and is working with me to test the Dextrus hand. Here are a few of his comments after trying it on for the first time: "I would be proud to wear this, it would make me feel more confident" "I think it's certainly going to enable me to do the finer things in life which I haven't been able to do with the hook" Mimo - The Smart Baby Monitor. Mimo’s organic cotton kimono is fitted with non-contact machine washable sensors that measure a baby’s respiration.

Mimo - The Smart Baby Monitor

When paired with the Mimo Turtle, we can monitor your infant’s respiration, skin temperature, body position, and activity level. We send all this data to the Mimo Lilypad Base Station via infant safe Bluetooth Low Energy. The Mimo Lilypad connects the Turtle to your home’s WiFi, allowing us to process your baby’s information in real-time using our algorithms. The Lilypad also has a microphone, allowing Mimo to stream your baby’s sounds to your smartphone in real-time.

The Mimo app enables parents to do three things: see their baby’s data in real-time; set alerts to let them know if anything changes; and to view trend and analytics about their baby’s sleep (and more!) We took safety as a top priority when designing Mimo. Mimo offers more features at a more accessible price than any other product on the market. Mimo is now available for through Babies 'R' Us! CES 2014/可以偵測寶寶狀態的神衣!Mimo Baby 直擊. T.Jacket - Because Hugs Matter - DISCOVER.