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Mobile UX Design Trends for 2014 to Maximize the User Experience. 2013 was the year that Mobile became part of everyone’s digital consciousness. 2014 will prove to be a year when brands design their applications in such a way to make the mobile user experience as enjoyable as possible.

Mobile UX Design Trends for 2014 to Maximize the User Experience

Remember, many Internet users have been accustomed to getting things done on a desktop for the past two decades. Many are still getting used to their mobile devices. Many also see using a mobile screen for certain tasks as cumbersome. Brands will try as hard as possible to dispel this notion by making the mobile user experience so smooth, that it will become the user’s first screen choice instead of the second for those tasks. It will be a huge part of a solid customer engagement strategy. The core of the way design should be built into the user experience is communicated perfectly by the quote below. “Good design is obvious. Neway Lau.


iPhone Apps, iPad Apps and iPod Touch Apps. Seven Guidelines For Designing High-Performance Mobile User Experiences. Advertisement A positive first impression is essential to relationships.

Seven Guidelines For Designing High-Performance Mobile User Experiences

People look for trust and integrity, and they expect subsequent encounters to reflect and reinforce their first impression. The same principles apply to brands and their products. Design plays an important role in building lasting relationships with end users and, thus, in supporting the brand’s promise. Users expect mobile services to be relevant and user-friendly and to perform well. In this article, we’ll discuss performance in relation to design and present seven guidelines that can help shape design decisions related to performance while accounting for the needs of end users and businesses.

Performance For Mobile People use their mobiles to enhance productivity, comfort and pleasure, everywhere and at anytime: waiting for the bus, walking on the sidewalk, checking which platform their train leaves from. Performance Supports Brand Differentiation Every product encounter affects the brand perception. 1. 2. 3. 4. A/B Testing (Beta) Start Using A/B Testing Avoid redistribution Run A/B Tests on the fly without writing client-side code or redeploying your app.

A/B Testing (Beta)

Cross-platform support A single destination to successfully optimize your iOS, Amazon and Android apps. A/B/n Testing Optimize your app or game quickly by testing up to five variations at once. Key features include Free service A/B Testing is completely free Easy integration Integration can take less than a day Custom segmentation Set up experiments and segment your audience using custom criteria Effortless scaling Built on Amazon Web Services, Amazon's A/B Testing service enables you to focus on building great games and apps instead of designing scalable backend services Have you integrated the Amazon Insights SDK?

Appiterate讓移動應用的A/B測試獲得所見即所得的平台. 應用測試和更新對於開發者,特別是iOS平台上的開發者,從來不是一件容易的事,開發者通常在網上完成他們的A/B測試,對產 品做優化,常規的檢查,測試新的功能和設計,同時修改他們的應用。


本地移動應用的快速更改相對更困難一點,因為一定都要通過應用商店審核上線才能實施。 在新德里的創業公司Appiterate正在試著讓事情更加容易一點:為應用開發者提供視覺化的工具, 公司創建了一種所見即所得的iOS和Android A/B測試平台,產品經理使用這個平台開發整合,可以對一個移動應用的任 何元素進行A/B測試,包括應答(Call to Action (CTA))元素,文字,圖片,工作流等等的格式化和佈置。 開發者會進入一個純視覺的拖拽界面。 行動裝置也能 A/B 測試 ,前 Google 員工成立的 Leanplum 正式上線. Google向來不喜歡猜測,基本上所有東西都會經過大量測試才會發布,其之前的員工Momchil Kyurkchiev和Andrew First就是在Google專門負責測試工作的,而今天兩位共同創辦人建立的公司Leanplum,在經歷了一年的內測之後,今天正式上線了,這次他們則將風靡網頁端的A/B測試方法,帶到了行動端。

行動裝置也能 A/B 測試 ,前 Google 員工成立的 Leanplum 正式上線

A/B測試簡單來說,就是網站的開發者會隨機對使用者展示不同設計版本的網頁,並會追蹤使用者行為以分析使用者對哪一種設計的使用頻率更高,比如哪一個註冊頁面的使用者更願意註冊。 Mobile A/B Testing for Native iOS and Android Apps by Leanplum. Making Pinterest — Behind the Pins: Building Pinterest 3.0 for iOS. At WWDC this past June, Apple unveiled iOS7 and redefined the platform with a new visual design, including changes to UIKit and a set of new APIs.

Making Pinterest — Behind the Pins: Building Pinterest 3.0 for iOS

A team of four Pinterest engineers collaborated with the design team to rebuild the Pinterest iOS app with easier navigation, custom transitions, and more ways to discover related Pins through gestures, such as swiping. With more than ¾ of all Pinterest usage occurring on mobile, it was important that the 3.0 update responded to Pinner requests for simpler, faster ways to engage with more Pins, and to provide an overall improved experience. Our main challenge was to reimagine the app while maintaining the aesthetics of our brand.

We focused on three areas: At the core of the Pinterest app you’ll find UICollectionView. iOS7 provides new powerful view controller transitioning APIs. On iOS6, we fallback to the default UINavigationController slide transition. If new Pins are available, the home feed view is updated to indicate there are new Pins. HearMe Final Face-to-face Presentation. 有趣的iPhone & Android app就在這裡! DINE. EasilyDo.


E-commerce. Utility. Communication_Location. SNS_Animation_Gamification. Travel. Little Big Details. Testing. RESOURCES. User Experience and Design Democracy — UX Array.