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Welcome to Icon Deposit - Icon Deposit. Foundation Icon Fonts. Settings heart star plus minus checkmark remove mail calendar page tools globe cloud error right-arrow left-arrow up-arrow down-arrow trash add-doc edit lock unlock refresh paper-clip video photo graph idea mic cart address-book compass flag location clock folder inbox website smiley search phone General Enclosed Set Social Set thumb-up thumb-down facebook twitter pinterest github path linkedin dribbble stumble-upon behance reddit google-plus youtube vimeo clickr slideshare picassa skype instagram foursquare delicious chat torso tumblr video-chat digg wordpress Accessibility Set wheelchair speaker fontsize eject view-mode eyeball asl person question adult child glasses cc blind braille iphone-home w3c css key hearing-impaired male female network guidedog universal-access elevator How These Were Built Here at ZURB, we’re always trying to think of new ways to innovate on our processes and methods.

Foundation Icon Fonts

How to Use Them We've made it super easy for you to get going with these icons! Merge in the Styles. Typicons. Modern Pictograms - The Design Office. Π ∑ ◊ ü ∂ : ; ~ Ö œ ¬ å fi € ‰ ‹ ‰ ƒ † ë t n Introducing version 2: Modern Pictograms Pro.

Modern Pictograms - The Design Office

The new version adds 130 icons, with half of the originals redrawn for retina. Version 2 is a paid font, with single icons starting at 50 cents. Modern Pictograms is a typeface for interface designers and programmers. Designed in early 2011 for the Flatfile Wordpress theme, the pictograms stay sharp when used large or small. Find out more at John Caserta, concept and type design Micah Barrett and John Caserta, Printed Pro Specimen John Caserta and Greg Nemes, website. Fontello - icon fonts generator.

Font Awesome, the iconic font designed for Bootstrap. ❍ IcoMoon. IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists.

❍ IcoMoon

IcoMoon's icon library features only the very best icon sets out there. All of our icons are designed on a precise pixel grid. The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon sets in many different formats including SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, CSH, icon font or simple PNG/CSS sprites. IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011. Since its release, it has changed the way icon fonts (and icons in general) are being used in web today. IcoMoon was also the first to solve a big problem with icon fonts: Compatibility with screen readers.

IcoMoon is constantly improving and it offers many unique features. With over 4000 free and open source icons available in IcoMoon's library, and by allowing you to generate crisp icon fonts and SVG sprites locally/offline, this service is far ahead of any similar one. Need to contact us? Arabiki » SNS icon. Sun loading animation.

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sun loading animation

Please wait... 1) Click on the box on the right. 2) From the appeared dropdown select the desired preloader Select your preloader 24 Fr / 128x128 Sun watch 20 Fr / 128x128 Sun loader Partly cloudy Sunny 12 Fr / 128x128 Sun 9 Fr / 128x128 Chronos Type in your word, number or letterMaximum length: 30 symbols Word to animate A button corresponds to the image type you need to generate (GIF - Animated GIF, APNG - Animated PNG format). Note: .GIF format supports only absolute transparency or no transparency at all. Image type. Decrease, Font icon. Cool Buttons - Coding. Decrease, Font, Font decrease, Font increase, Increase icon.