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Fare B2b marketing con Twitter. Aumentare i Mi Piace su Facebook. Il marketing su Facebook non ha segreti particolari o tecniche ninja: i consigli per aumentare il numero dei fan di una pagina su Facebook sono banali.

Aumentare i Mi Piace su Facebook

Eppure sono maledettamente efficaci se li metterai in pratica con costanza. Ti sfido a dirmi che hai già fatto tutto. Io stesso, come si dice dalle mie parti, "Predico bene e razzolo male" nel senso che non ho mai il tempo di mettere in pratica tutti questi consigli che ho raccolto durante la mia esperienza. Per i miei clienti faccio tutto in modo impeccabile e non mi rimane mai il tempo di farlo per me stesso. La chiave è la costanza. Studiare i fan della tua pagina, i loro dati demografici e il loro comportamento ti darà sempre nuovi spunti per personalizzare questi consigli e fare in modo che si adattino a pennello alla tua nicchia di mercato o alle tue esigenze.

Cosa vuoi ottenere da una campagna di marketing su Facebook? FACEBOOK COMMERCE INTRO. Come Pinterest può potenziare il business di un'azienda. 0inShare Pinterest è il social network sulla bocca di tutti almeno dall’inizio dell’anno.

Come Pinterest può potenziare il business di un'azienda

Tutti abbiamo più o meno un quadro chiaro di come funzioni. Prossimo step è chiedersi: come posso utilizzare Pinterest per far crescere il business del mio brand? Pinterest è un network sociale in cui trovare tonnellate di immagini di altissima qualità, organizzate da ogni utente in boards tematici in cui vengono raccolti Pin relativi alla moda, al marketing, al DIY, alla cucina, all’arte, alla musica, al cinema e molto altro ancora. Ma come utilizzare Pinterest per aiutare il proprio brand a crescere?

1. 2. 3. Promuovere nuovi prodotti Pinterest è il posto ideale dove creare uno spazio definito completamente dedicato ad una gamma di prodotti. Creare nuove connessioni con Pinterest Come ogni altri social media, Pinterest offre la possibilità di crearsi un piccolo profilo sulla pagina principale del proprio account. Viralizzazione dei Pin su Facebook e Twitter e trend watching.


Companies. Engaging Digital Natives With Web 2.0 Applications. Eight Ways To Go Viral. Editor’s note: This guest post is written by Uzi Shmilovici, CEO and founder of Future Simple, the company behind Base—a simple CRM for small businesses What do Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, Dropbox and Skype have in common?

Eight Ways To Go Viral

Except for being ridiculously successful, they all enjoyed a strong viral effect that helped accelerate their growth. How did they do that? Here’s the thing; most people assume that these companies grew by pure word of mouth. Well, that’s only half of the story. Let me explain. The Eight Types of Virality Many entrepreneurs struggle with the question: “How can I make my product more viral?” 1. The type of virality you’ll die for. Product unless other people use it as well. Seeding, which means getting the first people on board is very hard because of Metcalf’s Law (there’s very low value for the first users of the product). 2. In this type of virality, a person will benefit from using the product individually. 10 Commandments of Modern Marketing. Augustine Fou | January 5, 2012 | 24 Comments inShare141 A list of the 10 rules every marketer should follow to meet consumer needs in 2012.

10 Commandments of Modern Marketing

Some people start the new year with resolutions. I thought, why not start the year with 10 commandments for marketing -- resolutions to do marketing right; that is, marketing that takes into account how the modern landscape and modern consumers have changed. Thou shalt not target customers with messages they don't want. So, if advertisers follow some or all of these 10 commandments, they could probably better prioritize their dollars, and also improve the effectiveness of their marketing in the modern digital world.

Agree with me, or tell me I'm stupid -- light up the comments! This column was originally published January 7, 2010 on ClickZ. Dr. He is a frequent panelist, moderator, and keynote speaker at industry conferences. Meet Your Audience (for the Second Time) Chris O'Hara | January 4, 2012 | 0 Comments inShare23 Use audience measurement data to optimize digital display campaigns.

Meet Your Audience (for the Second Time)

See how with this real-life example. These days, advertising and data platforms are giving marketers a wealth of information that can be used to validate their strategies and optimize their digital campaigns for better performance. There's a lot of data to sort through - some more useful than others. Let's look at a real-life example of a digital display campaign, run through the digital ad agency of a popular mattress retailer. A theory being tested was that older audiences, who report more difficulty sleeping than younger demographic groups, would respond more favorably to the retailer's online display ads. Figure 1: Age of ad viewer, by impressions. As Figure 1 shows, a bulk of impressions during the discovery portion of the campaign were delivered to visitors aged 46 to 65 years of age, which was the desired demographic.

Figure 4: Length of residence, by click. The Rise of Digital Influence.