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iOS Open Source : GMGridView. Gulam Moledina is the developer of GMGridView, a very nice UI control for managing a grid of views. You can move grids, use pinch, rotate and pan gestures, and create both vertical and horizontal layouts. The screenshot below shows a two column vertical grid. Item 96 is shown in a different color as this is a cell that can be moved, which was initiated by a long tap on the same. The screenshot that follows shows a variation in which there are two grids, one that is horizontal (green) and one that is vertical (purple). Download GMGridView You can download GMGridView from github. Open Source Recommendations ? Have you written or worked with iOS or Cocoa open source that you think others would find interesting, send me a note.

SecureUDID | iOS

Zen and the Art of iOS. Today I want to reflect on Zen of iOS and overall Apple philosophy. But first, there’s a disturbance in the force that I must deal with. My overall tranquility has been compromised, and by Apple Genius Bar employees, no less. Here’s the issue at hand – the list of icons displayed at the bottom of iOS device when you double-click The Button. The “Geniuses” at the Bar insisted that All These Apps were Running, even though I just fully rebooted the device! Furthermore I watched them toil for a long time to Delete My Icons, from a VERY long list which came together as I tried most of my 400 apps, and apparently were the cause of my broken iPad microphone. Although I am yet to reference Apple SDK on this, I feel that my own understanding here is correct.

On the way back as I was enjoying excellent Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance audio-book, I think I developed deeper understanding of what “Intersection of Technology and Liberal Arts” really means at Apple. Integrating Facebook in iOS. Parse makes it very easy for you to quickly add user accounts to your application using the PFUser object. But, if you want to integrate your application with Facebook, it can be challenging to manage two sets of users. The Facebook SDK can be used with Parse's SDK, and is integrated with the PFUser class to make linking your users to their Facebook identities easy. This tutorial will guide you through the creation of a simple iOS application that allows a user to log in via Facebook and view their profile information.

It consists of two view controllers. The LoginViewController has a single button that allows the user to log in, and the UserDetailsViewController presents the user's profile information in a UITableView. You can download the Xcode project from the link above. To start using Facebook with Parse, you need to: We'll start by configuring the application for use with Parse and Facebook. Notice that we create a permissions array. Bypassing the Login. iOS Push Notifications. Using push notifications is a great way to add real-time messaging to your application.

It allows you to stay in touch with your users and makes it possible for your users to communicate with each other. This tutorial will guide you through all the necessary steps required to add this feature to your Parse application. We will begin on the Apple Developer website to create an SSL certificate associated to an App ID and a provisioning profile. Next we'll see how to configure a Parse app on the Parse website, and finally, we'll take a look at creating a push-enabled iOS application and sending notifications to users.

Before you begin, remember that push notifications are not available in the iOS Simulator. You will need an iOS device, as well as an Apple Developer license to complete this tutorial. The first step is to create an App ID and the associated SSL certificate on the Apple Developer website. 1.1. To begin, we'll need a certificate signing request file. 1.2. 1.3. 6.1. 6.3. 6.4. Saving Data while Offline. Saving Data while Offline Whether they’re on a long flight, riding through a subway tunnel, or camping in a national park, sometimes it’s just not possible for users to get a network connection. But that doesn’t mean they should be without their favorite mobile apps. So how can you save that latest page number when reading offline? Or remember the latest achievement unlocked in a game?

To address this problem, we have added the ability to save objects offline. If the user doesn’t have a network connection, the object will be stored safely on the device until a new connection has been established. Read more about offline saving in the iOS Guide and Android Guide. As always, let us know what you think. Developing for Android and iOS with Unity3D: Lessons Learned « Ralph Barbagallo's Self Indulgent Blog. My first masterpiece of the year is out on Android and iOS–Brick Buddies. Your very own virtual pet brick. Dare I say it’s the most accurate virtual brick simulation ever released? Actually, Brick Buddies has been out on Android Play for almost a month. After a few weeks of arguing with the App Store approval deities, Brick Buddies is available for iOS as well. I built the iOS version first, and then spit out the Android build shortly after my submission to Apple.

It took only a few days to finish the conversion, but I initially got Brick Buddies running on Android with a few commented out lines of iOS specific code and a button click. It was that easy. What manner of sorcery did I use to make an Android port in a matter of days? Plug-ins I developed Brick Buddies with Unity 3.5. Platform Specific Code Brick Buddies is a very simple app that took a few days to prepare an Android build for. Screen Sizes Luckily, NGUI uses 3D geometry for all of its widgets. Performance That was a mistake. Eaigner/DataKit.