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Structured Data Testing Tool. Best Rich Snippets Plugins for WordPress. We recently discussed microformats and microdata, and today we’ll expand a bit more on this topic.

Best Rich Snippets Plugins for WordPress

All of us are probably interested in improving our click through rates (CTR) from the search engine results pages (SERPs), and one excellent way to do this is to use microformats. They are a set of agreed upon HTML conventions used to describe content, can give you more control of the snippets displayed in Google SERPs. Using microformats we can thus implement rich snippets on our page, and hopefully these will be picked up by Google and displayed in the search results, enhancing our listing. So how do we get to implement microdata on our website? An easy way is of course through the use of plugins, and here are a few good ones: Author hReview Author hReview adds hReview and AggregateRating support based on, which help you increase search traffic by making SERP results more eye-catching.

See live demo in full action at Famous Bloggers‘s blog. Get Author hReview WP Customer Reviews. All In One Rich Snippets. Google rich snippets « Tags. Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin. Have you ever seen … that cool stuff that “pimps” search results on Google?

Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin

This Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin helps you to generate this search results by using structured microdata ( According to the website search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! And Yandex rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages. This plugin automatically pre-installs seven shortcode-examples that are ready-to-use. It works like this: Set up your own rich snippets code or just edit the pre-installed onesDefine the HTML-Markup that you need for the microdata (note that no PHP programming skills are needed but PHP can be used if you want to do some special things)Save your settings and use the generated shortcode in your posts, pages or custom post types. If you need help, view this YouTube Video: How to set up a Rich Snippet via the Rich Snippets WordPress Plugin.

Supported snippets WordPress 3.8 ready! Yes. Rich Snippet - Destaca frente a tu Competencia. ¿Qué son los Rich Snippet?

Rich Snippet - Destaca frente a tu Competencia

El contenido enriquecido es un vocabulario de marcado entre los creadores de páginas web y buscadores para poder ayudar en la categorización y la comprensión del contenido de la web, estos surgieron en mayo de 2009 pero su evolución ha sido constante y estoy seguro que no se detendrá ya que la correcta categorización es el poder de los buscadores. Tipos de formato Rich Snippet Google sugiere el uso de microdatos, pero cualquiera de los tres formatos siguientes son aceptables. No es necesario ningún conocimiento previo de estos formatos, sólo un conocimiento básico de HTML para poder realizar una implementación de rich snippet.

MicrodatosMicroformatosRDFa Implementación de Rich Snippet La correcta implementación es el punto más importante, voy a comentar algunas de las implementaciones más útiles y con la que se podrán ver los primeros resultados. Vamos a poner algunos ejemplos de implementaciones más comunes Foto de autor Recetas Video Valoraciones Precio.