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McGill University Health Centre Case Study. The McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), is one of the most comprehensive university health centres in North America.

McGill University Health Centre Case Study

It includes a network of five major hospitals and is both a patient and research-oriented organization. Evolving Web launched the new MUHC website in Drupal in December 2009. We are currently working on contributing some of the custom code we wrote for the project. The Apache Solr AJAX module was written for a previous Evolving Web project, but was largely refactored as we implemented search for this website. The new MUHC website provides the public with an understanding of the dynamic and diverse nature of the MUHC. Spaces, Context, and Features The MUHC consists of a network of organizations, each wanting some level of control over its online presence.

Every Spaces-enabled feature implements the hook_atrium_dashboard() function to expose a block to the homepage of the organic group. Newsletters are an example of a more customized feature. Faceted Search. Spaces Module as a Drupal Multi-site alternative. If you want to share users, content and configuration between Drupal sites you have several options.

Spaces Module as a Drupal Multi-site alternative

The most common approaches are either to use a multi-site architecture, RSS feeds, or domain access module. In this post, I'll discuss an alternative method using Spaces and PURL modules, a highly flexible architecture that enables you to tailor multiple spaces that can appear to be completely independent sites, but which all run from the same Drupal installation. Our Use Case Watershed is a hub for arts, culture and creativity in the South West of England, running an independent cinema and funding various projects, such as the Pervasive Media Studio.

They approached us and told us about their problem of maintaining so many online properties, representing sub-brands and projects under the Watershed umbrella. Requirements The requirements in Drupal terminology are: Implementation Options Multi-site Domain Access Module Sites Module This is quite an interesting approach, and the newest of all. How to build customizable multitenant web applications - PHPBNL11. How to build customizable multitenant web applications at PHPBenelux Conference 2011. 将您的 web 应用程序转化为多租户 SaaS 解决方案. 想象一下,您有一个一直在市场上出售的 web 应用程序。

将您的 web 应用程序转化为多租户 SaaS 解决方案

您了解到云基础架构中的软件即服务 (SaaS) 是行业的未来趋势。 您意识到您需要它,并且您的客户也要求您提供 SaaS 版本的产品。 问题是,您需要快速、有效地转换为 SaaS,并且最好能够维持或增强您的盈利能力。 SaaS 应用程序和常规的 web 应用程序之间存在许多差异需要加以考虑。 一些与技术有关,而另一些与业务模型的变化有关,公司在交付 SaaS 时必须能够适应这种变化。 典型的 web 应用程序和 SaaS SaaS 区别于其他应用程序的主要特征就是能够使客户在使用应用程序时按照使用量付费。 多租户是实现成功 SaaS 的关键 尽管订阅应用程序的能力已经最低程度地满足 SaaS 的基本条件,但是在实际中仍然不能满足要求。 归根结底都是与经济方面的因素有关。 多租户体现了 SaaS 的效率水平 影响效率的主要因素来自于多租户,即能够容纳应用程序的不同用户,同时使用户觉得应用程序完全服务于他们。 云中的虚拟化影响 SaaS 简单 web 应用程序和支持云的 SaaS 应用程序之间的区别涉及 IT 行业目前最主要的两个容量利用特性: 多租户(之前引入)硬件虚拟化。 虽然应用程序的效率主要取决于应用程序的多租户架构,然而第二个影响效率的因素是硬件虚拟化。 此外,云还提供了根据资源需求动态地为应用程序重新分配硬件的潜力。 Sql - Data model multi tenant site. Multi-Tenant Data Architecture. June 2006 Frederick Chong, Gianpaolo Carraro, and Roger Wolter Microsoft Corporation Applies to: Application Architecture Software as a Service (SaaS) Summary: The second article in our series about designing multi-tenant applications identifies three distinct approaches for creating data architectures. (25 printed pages) Acknowledgements Many thanks to Paul Henry for his help with technical writing.

Multi-Tenant Data Architecture

For further reference, an ARCast is available: ARCast - Software As A Service Contents IntroductionThree Approaches to Managing Multi-Tenant DataChoosing an ApproachRealizing Multi-Tenant Data ArchitectureConclusionRelated GuidanceFeedback Introduction Trust, or the lack thereof, is the number one factor blocking the adoption of software as a service (SaaS). This is the second article in our series about designing multi-tenant applications. Three Approaches to Managing Multi-Tenant Data The distinction between shared data and isolated data isn't binary.

Separate Databases Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. All About Multi-Tenancy: Part 1. Jan 11 2010 This is the first post in the series “All About Multi-Tenancy.” Here, I plan to share with you many of my thoughts about multi-tenancy that stem from several years of research and practical experience implementing multi-tenant, cloud-based application and platform designs.

Before reading this series, it might be useful to understand a little about my experiences with multi-tenancy. As a contributor to the Oracle Technology Network, I wrote a lengthy tutorial that shows the reader how to build a simple metadata-driven, multi-tenant application using Oracle Application Express and Oracle Database. While CTO/Architect of SaaS at CSC, I designed a straightforward, virtualization-based cloud architecture that the company could use to easily SaaS-enable existing single-tenant applications. People that fall into the following categories will be most interested in this series of posts. You are an experienced software developer or architect.