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Room Color and How it Affects your Mood. The colors of the rooms within your home need to bring out your personality. While most of us may not spend a lot of time thinking about room color, it affects every day of our lives. Room color can influence our mood and our thoughts. Colors affects people in many ways, depending upon one’s age, gender, ethnic background or local climate. Certain colors or groups of colors tend to get a similar reaction from most people – the overall difference being in the shade or tones used. So when it comes to decorating, it is important to choose wisely. In order to have a beautiful home, you do not have to worry about trends.

Choose Wisely! Keep in mind that each color has a psychological value. What mood do you want to create? Find clear answers to these questions. Room Colors and Their Effects Understand that colors behave in three basic ways : active, passive, and neutral. Red raises a room’s energy level. Feb_v02-p. BanQ Restaurant with Divided Into two Segments by Office dA BanQ Restaurant by Office dA wih Lighting Design – Cardilas.

Wp-content/uploads/2012/07/lighting-office-room-design-1. Images/casserly_hallway. How does artificial lighting affect natural body rhythms? For billions of years, all living things directly touched by the sun’s light have choreographed their activities around the 24-hour cycle of day and night.

How does artificial lighting affect natural body rhythms?

It’s our internal body clock known as the “circadian rhythm.” But what happens when our body clock goes out of sync with the natural rhythms of day and night? That question has been increasingly important since the invention of electricity. For more than 100 years, we’ve been living in a world that increasingly defies darkness. When night falls, cities shine bright and homes are bathed in light.

A typical September night in Times Square, New York City. Scientists at Rockefeller University have been running experiments with mice to find out how they react to disruptions in their natural circadian rhythm. What happened to the 20-hour day mice? Interior light effects on human mood and social behaviour. Interior light effects on human mood and social behaviour [Introduction] Nowadays, the scientists, designers and psychologists are believed that the lights can play the important roles on human mood and people social behaviours.

Interior light effects on human mood and social behaviour

In this way, this research area introduced new concept in industrial, commercial and home designs in few last decades. Referred to as "the prime animator of space," light is a subject of broad application within the environmental design disciplines .Recently, scholars posit that light is most often applied to an interior design solution as a functional additive rather than considered first as an essential design element along with form, colour, texture, and others.

This raises the question of how designers', educators', and students' approaches to designing with light might be redefined to regard light as a significant contributor to spatial compositions.

Cutting edge

Lighting Case Studies. Most interesting photos from digikam-labs pool. Badge creator Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to your photos, your group or any other Flickriver view.

Most interesting photos from digikam-labs pool

You can place your badge on your Flickr profile, Blog or Website. Add to your iGoogle or Netvibes page Flickriver widget for iGoogle or Netvibes can display almost any Flickriver view - most interesting today, by user, by group, by tag etc. Once added to your personalized homepage, just edit widget settings to select your desired view. Clickr on one of the buttons below to install: Embed on your Web site To embed this view, Copy and Paste the following HTML code: Black background (preview): White background (preview): Firefox and Chrome addons Adds a 'Flickriver' button to your browser. Install in FirefoxInstall in Chrome Search plugin Add 'Search on Flickriver' to your browser's search box. THEORY + RESEARCH. Plastic Soda Bottles for Natural Interior Lighting. If you ever want to see prime examples of human ingenuity go for a walk through one of the many shanty towns which sits at the outskirts of nearly every major city in the developing world.

Plastic Soda Bottles for Natural Interior Lighting

There you will find entire neighborhoods constructed of trash, discarded materials, and just about anything that the occupants can find. It is amazing what structures people can make with only a sheet of corrugated metal, plastic sheeting, a stack of cinder blocks, milk crates, and miscellaneous pieces of plastic. But one of the most ingenuitive adaptions to these houses was referred to me by my friend Mike Mcquire, who sent me a video which shows a way to make natural interior light using only a plastic bottle, water, and bleach.

Installing soda bottle solar lights Photo credit: Gizmag Watch soda bottle solar lighting videos. Lighting Case Studies. Green innovations and new technology at Light Middle East 2011. Experts estimate that GCC countries could save as much as $400m in energy bills and 5.1 megatonnes of CO2 emissions annually by switching to LED lighting technology.

Green innovations and new technology at Light Middle East 2011

The trend towards using LED and CFL technology is being seen in many of the large-scale infrastructure projects in the region such as the Yas Hotel and Marina, the Sheikh Zayed Mosque and the upcoming Dubai Waterfront. “Going by current trends in the region, there is a lot of interest in the latest developments in the lighting design and technology fields, especially with regard to its impact on the environment and potential for energy and cost savings,” said Ahmed Pauwels, chief executive officer, Epoc Messe Frankfurt.

“The global lighting market is currently going through tremendous changes. Increased efficiency standards, a growing concern with energy efficiency and breakthroughs in the LED sector are all factors that are affecting the market,” he added. Story continues below. Sun Innovations and PRO TECHnology launch UAE production studio. Sun Innovations and PRO TECHnology have launched the first SUN Studio in the Middle East.

Sun Innovations and PRO TECHnology launch UAE production studio

The printer can print on any material including water surfaces and mirrors with a 3D embossed effect. Sun Innovations, is the Russian manufacturer and its regional distributor and master franchiser PRO TECHnology, is based in Dubai. Vladimir Kozhevnikov, Russian commercial counsellor, and Farida Kamber Al Awadhi, president, of the Association of Professional Interior Designers (APID) attended the opening launch of the studio this week. East Villagers Non-Profit Community - Amanda Lukas's blog - Light pollution. Electricity Infographics / Recreating natural light, by Nigel Hawtin.

Kent Larson: Brilliant designs to fit more people in every city.