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Магистратура и аспирантура в Японии / Учебный процесс в IT. С опозданием поздравляю с началом учебного года всех хабровчан, для которых это событие не является простой календарной датой. Надеюсь, небольшой рассказ о магистратуре и аспирантуре в университете, где я сейчас работаю, вызовет у вас интерес. Речь пойдёт об университете Aizu, где я тружусь в меру сил уже почти два года и, если не случится никаких неожиданностей, продолжу деятельность и в обозримом будущем. Кстати, на фотографии — наш кампус. Сначала немного о самом заведении. Это небольшой государственный университет (у нас немногим больше тысячи студентов), полностью ориентированный на обучение компьютерным наукам и на исследовательскую деятельность. Университет пока ещё сравнительно молодой (основан в 1993 году) и не очень известный. Самая интересная отличительная черта вуза — его международная направленность. На мой взгляд, результаты ещё недостаточно хороши.

Впрочем, в последнее время ситуация потихоньку меняется. Теперь по поводу приёма новых студентов. Пожалуй, добавить нечего. All in a day’s work: Design and print your own robot. MIT is leading an ambitious new project to reinvent how robots are designed and produced. Funded by a $10 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the project will aim to develop a desktop technology that would make it possible for the average person to design, customize and print a specialized robot in a matter of hours.

“This research envisions a whole new way of thinking about the design and manufacturing of robots, and could have a profound impact on society,” says MIT Professor Daniela Rus, leader of the project and a principal investigator at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). “We believe that it has the potential to transform manufacturing and to democratize access to robots.” “Our goal is to develop technology that enables anyone to manufacture their own customized robot. By altering the way in which machines can be produced, designed and built, the project could have far reaching implications for a variety of fields. Поступление в Аспирантуру США | King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Come 2 study in Europe in Holland! All about study in the Netherlands. Politechnika Łódzka. StudyPortals: The European Study Choice Platform. Магистратура и аспирантура в Японии: 2012 / Учебный процесс в IT. Federatie: Programmes. TU Delft: PDEng programme BioProduct Design. Translate Life Sciences developments into products Do you want to translate research results in the Life Sciences into real-life products? Does working in international teams to realize the industrial application of research results appeal to you?

The PDEng-traineeship in BioProduct Design focuses on product development in the Life Sciences: the design of products based on or around the biological cell. The latest academic advances in the Life Sciences make the development of new products possible while society needs these new products. As a BioProduct Designer, you learn to design these products, taking all relevant factors into account. An excellent start for a challenging career in the biotech industry. The PDEng-programme in BioProduct Design is intended for Master graduates in Life Science & Technology, Biotechnology and related disciplines. At the moment there are no vacancies for this programme.

Federatie: BPE. You broaden and deepen your theoretical knowledge in the different areas and experience their integration and implementation in real-life applications. In the Designer in Bioprocess Engineering programme you develop yourself into a visionary team-worker with a strong, state-of-the-art, background in the Biosciences & Chemical Engineering required for innovative bioprocess design. Throughout the programme, you are trained to develop and apply an independent attitude, a critical approach, creativity and a focus on innovative application of the interdisciplinary field of Biochemical Engineering.

PDEng degree Trainees that successfully complete the Designer’s programme, receive a certified diploma and are entitled to use the academic degree Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng). Benefits A certified BioProcess Engineer has in-depth knowledge of design processes, theoretical as well as practical, which clearly distinguishes him/her from the MSc graduates. Curriculum More information.