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Flickr Accidentally Wipes Out Account: Five Years And 4,000 Photos Down The Drain. Yahoo’s Flickr may have another PR nightmare on their hands.

Flickr Accidentally Wipes Out Account: Five Years And 4,000 Photos Down The Drain

IT architect and Flickr user Mirco Wilhelm couldn’t log on to his 5-year old account yesterday, and when he asked the Flickr team about this issue they flat out told him they had accidentally flushed his entire account, and the 4,000 photos that were in it, straight down the drain. Apparently Wilhelm reported a Flickr user with an account that held ‘obviously stolen material’ to the company last weekend, but a staff member erroneously incinerated his account instead of the culprit’s.

Hello,Unfortunately, I have mixed up the accounts and accidentally deleted yours.


Natuba - iPhone Photo Sharing. 17 outils pour Flickr - Olivier De Doncker. Flickr Mashups. The Flickr API continues to be one of the most popular Web 2.0 APIs and with a flurry of new photo mashups here lately, we now have 292 Flickr mashups listed.

Flickr Mashups

Overall they run a very wide range of creative applications, here are three of the most recent entries: flickrbackup: A Java-based Flickr backup utility that lets you back up all your photos on Flickr. Feel Image: Search multiple photo sharing sites. Has technology that quantifies colors like red or blue in images, making it possible to show search results by color. Search phrases like: red flower in spring.