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Flickr - 50 Best Websites 2009. Design Trends: 25 Of The Coolest iPhone APP Website Designs  Regardless if you have an iPhone or not (I currently do not – I’m a die hard blackberry addict) you have to admit that the Mac/iPhone style of design is super sleek and very pleasing on the eyes.

Design Trends: 25 Of The Coolest iPhone APP Website Designs 

A specific type of design trend I’ve seen a lot lately are the iPhone app websites. They generally all follow the same plan of attack (for good reason) but it makes me wonder – are these sites being built to just blend in with the rest of the pack or are there some that stand out? I went around online and found 25 of the coolest iPhone app websites – not necessarrally the coolest APPS, but the coolest website designs.

Web Design Inspiration : un album. Doodlekit Free Online Website Builder - Just need an email addre.