Medio ambiente: 53 incendios en 2017: el negocio oculto de los fuegos en las plantas de reciclaje españolas. 25/11/2017 05:00 - Actualizado: 26/11/2017 13:17.
Repor - Residuo en venta. Un gran incendio en Seseña arrasa el mayor cementerio de neumáticos de España. Todo empezó sobre la una de la madrugada.
Varias llamadas al servicio de emergencias alertaban de que había un incendio en Seseña, el mayor vertedero de neumáticos usados de España. El depósito de llantas, parte en la provincia de Toledo, parte (30%) en la Comunidad de Madrid, ardía. El incendio, que se originó en el término de Valdemoro (Madrid), según la Guardia Civil. Este cementerio de caucho es ilegal desde septiembre de 2015 y está situado entre Valdemoro y Seseña. Los investigadores valoran que haya sido intencionado, ya que la zona estaba muy húmeda por las abundantes lluvias de los últimos días. EL FUEGO VALYRIO DEL RESIDUO - Parte II. Hace un tiempo que cuatro locos como yo estamos haciendo seguimiento de los incendios ocasionados en las plantas de residuos, denunciándolo a través de las redes.
Un problema cada vez más grave, del que además existe un oscurantismo y un silencio a todos los niveles que es más que preocupante. [1.][2.][3.] Estudiar estos casos es encontrarte con una absoluta falta de respuesta, estadísticas y datos no disponibles y ataques frontales por parte de empresas, “perfiles a sueldo” y algunas asociaciones vinculadas al sector, que se dedican a hacer desmentidos y a desvincularse del problema. Events.
ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, E.P.E, M.P >> Empresas Españolas. BATTERIES WASTE. E-WASTE. AAPP. WASTE CRIME. Rstudio. El CSN revela los seis 'emplazamientos' con contaminación radiactiva en España. DUMPSITE WASTE FIRE. Art11. Untitled. Abstract Transnational trafficking of e-waste has become a rising problem over time as the amount of waste produced in developed countries increases.
Over time, the focus has moved from traditional industrial waste disposal to e-waste disposal. This acceptance of hazardous waste often leads to adverse health effects in the importing nation. As a case study, the history, consequences, current policies, and recommendations for hazardous waste trafficking are considered in the context of West Africa. Following the analysis, it is clear that despite strong policies on the importers part, there are confounding factors, such as economic expansion and corruption, which continue to drive the import of e-waste. References Alter, H. (1997). Police raid Chachoengsao plant in crackdown on foreign e-waste disposal. National police deputy chief Pol General Weerachai Songmetta led the raid by police and officials at 9am against WMD (Wai Mei Dat) Thai Recycling Co Ltd’s 100-rai factory in Tambon Plaeng Yao.
The action came in response to Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan’s directive to the Royal Thai Police to crackdown on such wrongdoers. Officers found the factory was operating normally when they arrived. Huge piles of electronic waste such as keyboards, electrical wires and computers were sitting ready for workers to recycle or discard by burning or other methods. Most of the workers handling the toxic waste were found to be undocumented and untrained Lao and Myanmar migrants being paid Bt9,000 a month. Weerachai and deputy chief of the Tourism Police Bureau Pol Maj General Surachet Hakpan led a search involving five ministries – Natural Resources and Environment, Public Health, Industry, Justice and the Ministry of Finance. Hazardous Waste. Roundtable Meeting on Delhi Hotspots Toxics Link’s new report 'On the Edge' is first of its kind study in Delhi, mapping the city’s polluting centres.
The report identifies sites which are regularly contaminating the city’s environment by releasing toxic pollutants and thereby creating health concerns. The study points out at the urgent need to take stock of the city’s environmental condition, to look into the future and assess the various policy options for consideration. Toxics Link would like to share the report with key stakeholders and also feels the need to facilitate a discussion among various stakeholders to deliberate upon the findings. Support Grows to Control Plastic Waste in International Trade Treaty.
For Immediate Release Support Grows to Control Plastic Waste inInternational Trade Treaty Global Partnership for Action on Plastic Waste Also Proposed September 6, 2018.
Geneva, Switzerland. Thailand to ban e-waste, plastic imports — Basel Action Network. Basel Action Network. Videos – Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition. Global waste trade. The global waste trade is the international trade of waste between countries for further treatment, disposal, or recycling.
Toxic or hazardous wastes are often imported by developing countries from developed countries. The World Bank Report What a Waste: A Global Review of Solid Waste Management, describes the amount of solid waste produced in a given country. Specifically, countries which produce more solid waste are more economically developed and more industrialized.[1] The report explains that "[g]enerally, the higher the economic development and rate of urbanization, the greater the amount of solid waste produced.”[1] Therefore, countries in the Global North, which are more economically developed and urbanized, produce more solid waste than Global South countries.[1] Current international trade flows of waste follow a pattern of waste being produced in the Global North and being exported to and disposed of in the Global South. Titled.
UK. ESTADISTICA. WASTE. Competencias resumen ejecutivo.