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OceanStore. UC Berkeley School of Information | About - Tenure-track Positio. The School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for two ladder rank faculty members, one at the junior (untenured) level and one open as to rank. The School of Information is the most recently formed school on the Berkeley campus. We are an interdisciplinary professional school. Our faculty members come from diverse fields, including political science, sociology, economics, law, computer science, media arts and design, and information science. We share a commitment to building a new field of scholarship and practice that addresses the design of new genres of information and media, information policy and ethics, and the relationships among information/ information systems and individuals, organizations, and society.

Candidates should possess appropriate expertise and demonstrated research excellence and be committed to working on issues related to information and/or information technology in a multidisciplinary setting. Sergey Brin Speaks with UC Berkeley Class. The Spice Home Page. Michael I. Jordans Home Page.

Publications of Michael Jordan.