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Watson | Cambridge | Technical Report | The Wisdo. Asterpix - Hypervideo for All. Socialtech. Smoking robot dot com. Kea. Keywords and keyphrases (multi-word units) are widely used in large document collections. They describe the content of single documents and provide a kind of semantic metadata that is useful for a wide variety of purposes. The task of assigning keyphrases to a document is called keyphrase indexing. For example, academic papers are often accompanied by a set of keyphrases freely chosen by the author.

In libraries professional indexers select keyphrases from a controlled vocabulary (also called Subject Headings) according to defined cataloguing rules. On the Internet, digital libraries, or any depositories of data (flickr,, blog articles etc.) also use keyphrases (or here called content tags or content labels) to organize and provide a thematic access to their data.

KEA is an algorithm for extracting keyphrases from text documents. It can be either used for free indexing or for indexing with a controlled vocabulary. KEA is implemented in Java and is platform independent. :: open source social software. Social Web Design & Technorati. In The Dark Side of Technorati Tags, Om Malik reports that Technorati tags are being gamed too much for his liking. Most importantly, Om brings up the point that should be brought up: who’s getting what benefit? For those new to tagging, Technorati tags are simply words that writers include in their posts that point […] In The Dark Side of Technorati Tags, Om Malik reports that Technorati tags are being gamed too much for his liking. Most importantly, Om brings up the point that should be brought up: who’s getting what benefit? For those new to tagging, Technorati tags are simply words that writers include in their posts that point to a tag set, on Technorati or elsewhere.

Technorati The idea is that everyone benefits from this. That’s the theory, anyway. Put simply, people can game the heck out of Technorati tags. But that raises another point, why do some systems seem easier to game than others? Also, there is something else going on here. Tag Explorer. Reality Tagging. An alternative Approach to Tagging - Thin. Wir realisieren und integrieren exzellente Softwarelösungen, die Ihre Geschäftsprozesse optimal unterstützen.

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