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Good Agile, Bad Agile. When I was growing up, cholesterol used to be bad for you. It was easy to remember. Fat, bad. Cholesterol bad. Salt, bad. Everything, bad. Nowadays, though, they differentiate between "good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol, as if we're supposed to be able to distinguish them somehow. Up until maybe a year ago, I had a pretty one-dimensional view of so-called "Agile" programming, namely that it's an idiotic fad-diet of a marketing scam making the rounds as yet another technological virus implanting itself in naive programmers who've never read "No Silver Bullet", the kinds of programmers who buy extended warranties and self-help books and believe their bosses genuinely care about them as people, the kinds of programmers who attend conferences to make friends and who don't know how to avoid eye contact with leaflet-waving fanatics in airports and who believe writing shit on index cards will suddenly make software development easier.

You know. No, just kidding. The Bad Kind Yeah. Publications. ActiveCollab - open source project management and collaboration. Project Management Made Easy : D. Keith Robinson. A few months ago I had an epiphany of sorts. I realized that I was pretty good at managing projects. Most of the projects that I manage come in on-time, on- or under-budget and with relatively few problems. More importantly the projects I manage usually leave everyone involved happy and feeling like they’d accomplished something. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve been managing projects for years and it’s not always been like that. Over the years I’ve learned to take what works and lose what doesn’t. My approach, while tailored to the kind of projects I work on; design for Web, mobile, interaction, etc. should work for just about any project.

So, if you’ve got a few minutes, read on and hopefully I’ll give you a thought or two that’ll help you manage your projects better and easier. It’s not as hard or complicated as you think The first thing you should know about project management is that it doesn’t need to be complicated. Look at what you need to do. Kicking off Clear documentation To sum up. Open source trouble ticketing: SimpleTicket. The Trac Project - Trac.